Okay so I tried out a really awesome cheat for this game! Before any of you hard core guys respond about cheating and etc... understand that I am the father of two children and work 3 jobs so if I can grab 40 minutes a week to game you can bet I wanna have fun and experience the story, I have no interest in fighting the same opponent over and over because I keep dying or getting some obscure achievement. Also the way I figure it with this game why wouldn't you have maxed vampire powers from the get go, it'd be like making a werewolf game where at first you can only grow the snout, then the ears, etc.....
Anyways the cheat is to plug a computer keyboard into your Xbox or ps4 then while in one of your "hideouts " go over to the bed to evolve, once in the evolve menu go to any skill sub menu and then hold down both O and P on the plugged in keyboard, it'll give you a ton of XP points...to be honest I didn't find a cap but you'll need a couple of hundred thousand to fully upgrade Reid.