You cut the risks in half or more, of dying from disease if you eat healthy for sure, any fool would be dumb not to believe that.Its not going to 100% keep you from getting cancer or whatever(though it can for some) but, definitely its better to eat good and excercise...the very air we breathe can cause lung cancer these days and other crap,its all up to you..doing something like being healthy may benifit you in the end or not but, its definitely going to make life in the now better overall, less stress,better sleep,generally feel better overall and more energy.I never really took much antibiotics in my life and never got a flu-shot..i believe the more of this crap you put inside you, the more your immune system is going to fail on you in older age.Your body does not need to become dependant on a flu-shot, i have not been really sick in 4 years and can't even remember the last time i had the flu.