William Shatners Toupee
Super Freak
In this universe poor Wifferdill is a Dodo? A powerful lesson indeed: no matter how bad you situation, your plight can always get worse!
Dude, I actually have a penguin. It was one of those squeezy-stress-relief toys. Easiest. Custom. Ever. I couldn't resist such an easy custom. But I haven't had the heart to use it much after Rob Shearman was so appalled by the news that a Frobisher custom actually existed in this world. (The offer to let Rob squish the toy penguin seemed to cheer him up though.)In this universe poor Wifferdill is a Dodo? A powerful lesson indeed: no matter how bad you situation, your plight can always get worse!
Yes, I've seen BillyB's, and Dean's, and Neil's, and a lot of other head sculpts of Tom Baker. As I said earlier, I'm waiting for Russ's/Mr. Barlow's sculpt to upgrade. Based on the WIP pics, Russ's sculpt already looks much better than any of those previous attempts. So why buy/trade for an extra sculpt while I wait for the upgrade? I figure most folks can manage to look past the temporary Ada head sculpt to comment on the outfits that I've sewn, since those outfits are the focus of this thread.
I'm not really into Heamovores. Sorry. And both spare capes now have been set aside for other folks!Iv got a few Extra historical weapons and stuff Vikki, you want them there yours...i also do some very good headsculpts of Heamorvores.
Vikki is there any place where I could find 1/6 patterns like jeans, denim jackets or dress pants?
I've recently tried doing this and I've found I need help in the "what part do i sew first" department. Is there a "doll sewing for idiots" tutorial anywhere?
Glad I could help! For decades I've been muddling through on six weeks of sewing in a mandatory junior high "Home Economics" class, teaching myself everything else beyond that brief introduction to the basics. Of course, the basics include how to gather fabric, a technique I used to make shirt ruffles for both Pertwee and pirates. So, yeah, basics!Thank you so much Vikki, you're truly awesome!
I don't have any immediate plans to sew any Leela outfits. (Currently I'm drafting a pattern for the Master's Nehru jacket, and for the Fourth Doctor's red jacket from "Robot," "The Ark in Space," and other early episodes.)Any chance your still making Leela outfits?