Funny. I got this for my birthday a few months ago.
I'm probably in the minority here, but I will just throw this out there: the two things I am passionate about collecting are action figures and death metal records. I have been collecting records since the early 80's and have about 1,000 LPs and 45s by now. Many of the underground recordings I own are extremely limited pressings, but that is not why I am attracted to this type of music. I have never had more of a thrill than to discover a record that immediately speaks to me, has amazing riffs, and only improves with repeated listenings (which drives my wife mad). As a music scene, underground metal is hugely popular internationally. Most of the bands I listen to are either from Scandinavia, South America or Japan. Maryland Death Fest is the biggest music festival in the US, and I have attended 3 times over the years; hopefully soon I will make it over to Europe for a big festival there.
Since the early 80's the LP format has been preferred by metal bands due to the large artwork and inclusion of lyrics. A bunch of the Lps I have are extensively illustrated and just as detailed as any Hot Toy. While most of the music I listen to gets dissonant at times, the fidelity of vinyl matters just as much for the quiet parts.