Dorgmal Snow
Super Freak
That sir seamstress godess of the forum of the freaks.. is outstanding!!!
Looks good Viv, I think I managed to fix the yellow problem...
how's this, does it look right?
Nope, now it just looks white like the one I took with the flash,
though you managed to add some pink in there too.
That's why I don't bother with photo shopping stuff, most of the time
fixing one thing messes up another.
I will post new pictures with the next version that will look right,
I took these at night and didnt use any extra lights, that's why
they came out bad.
or you could include a white piece of paper in the shot so I could sample it to tell photoshop "No, this is supposed to be white!" Then it can fix everything else...
well actually I just found the white space in your pictures in the frames you have on the wall, used that to key all the other colors from... this any better?
Its much worse, it looks green, so if you wouldn't mind getting rid of that picture, I would rather not have photo shopped images of the clothes and what not that I do because I don't want any confusion as to what things actually look like, I could have photo shopped them if I wanted to, I also could have gotten off my ass and gotten out another light, but I chose not to and instead just pointed out they color wasn't right because I was feeling lazy.
This isn't the finished one anyhow so it doesn't matter at the moment.
Congrats on your first HT figure... its amazing how far they have moved the bar over the last few years.
And your wife sounds like a keeper
Also... the cloak looks killer. Really like how its shaped up.