*VOTE for Clean DX Headsculpts* Jazzinc Dioramas 1/6 Ultimate Catwoman (Batman Returns, 1992)

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Which three of these four should be part of the Clean DX set?

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I’d pose her next to the inevitable HT Returns 2.0 Batman. Would be nice to see both 89’ Batman and Joker next to Catwoman and Returns Batman with the Jazzinc 89’ Batmobile below them. That’s the plan anyways.

I’m really eager to see them tackle the latex sheen at this scale, it pops in every scene it’s in, would like to see that replicated in the display.
Well, the licking tongue sculpt is a waste of an option. No one will really use it. I mean, there's always "that guy" who might, but he's not driving the business. Everyone else chiming in that they want it are the same ones who, on PO day, start back-peddling with excuses not to buy.

Most collectors want to display Catwoman from the movie, a recognizable Michelle Pfeiffer -- probably legs straight, spread apart, a hand on her hip and the other ready with her whip -- mean sneer or sexy smirk work either way. I imagine most will end up posing her in a variant of that.
I'm glad they got rid of the Riley Reid mouth with gritted teeth, but unfortunately mean sneer was apparently never an option. I'll still be happy with a smirk or a neutral mouth that still has a little attitude, but it kills me a little that maybe (just maybe) we could've had this, if it weren't for a dozen idiots demanding a licking mouth.
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Yeah I can't believe there were so many votes asking for the tongue out one on facebook :ROFLMAO:

And Mars is actually looking into doing rolling eyes for Devito Penguin? Despite people initially jumping too quickly on the hype train and flat out saying Mars should just forget about their Returns Catwoman, it's sounding more like Mars might actually be able to put out an equally exciting version if they can get those moving eyes implemented for their version and depending on how the final paint app for the Jazzinc goes. Even with an incredibly accurate sculpt (Joost said they're modeling it from a life size cast of Michelle), it's the final paint work that will make or break the whole look. Mars has proven track record their mass production painting and skin texturing is great.
Just read through the last pages. This thread went from enthusiastically excitec to underwhelmingly negativity in just a few pages. Meanwhile a great looking head sculpt(everybody would have screamed for Sean sculpting this), a proto paintup and some metal claws as part of the wip were shown. Also Sean and Joost themselves did answer in this thread, telling you that they would have preferred a later statement but felt obliged due to the 3rd party announcement.
Guys, are you serious? What else do you want? Some of you guys better wake up.
Just read through the last pages. This thread went from enthusiastically excitec to underwhelmingly negativity in just a few pages. Meanwhile a great looking head sculpt(everybody would have screamed for Sean sculpting this), a proto paintup and some metal claws as part of the wip were shown. Also Sean and Joost themselves did answer in this thread, telling you that they would have preferred a later statement but felt obliged due to the 3rd party announcement.
Guys, are you serious? What else do you want? Some of you guys better wake up.
No knock to the proto sculpt shown but it really is no different than what was sculpted years ago which were great but now would be the time to experiment with new ideas and try out some different casting and paint techniques.
We've all just been too spoiled lately.
HT have upped their sculpting game (paint still sucks) and rolling eyes are now the norm, InArt can mass produce ridiculously textured/detailed and well painted sculps along with the added realism of rooted hair and rolling eyes, Mars is giving multiple expressive sculps as standard for an absolute bargain (unlicensed so, duh,) and a lot of more seasoned (old or wealthy) collectors have some experience of custom figures- either that or they've visisted the InArt Joker thread and been bombarded with endless pictures of customs.

Standards have simply risen to the point that novice, amateur work cannot be tolerated after a certain price-point. We've seen too much and know what's possible, even if it means paying a little more. My perception of the general consensus is that most would prefer the option to pay more for a more premium product. I don't want to exclude those who just want a good figure without all the bells and whistles though, which is why I'm in favour of standard and deluxe- maybe even a third tier of Premium- versions of characters, or add on packages that allow you to tailor the set you receive to your requirements.
If you’re going to say realistic paintwork in the description, in todays world where I’ll show you what realistic paintwork means, you shouldn’t then go and offer reference photos of amateur prior attempts that have zero to do with this licensed figure.

Put that very paintwork on a new Ledger Joker from HT and read a couple pages.

This would be the equivalent of HT charging Jazzinc prices for their 89’ Batmobile, without the upgrades and attention to detail the asking price doesn’t work. If your competitors have better paintwork, rolling eyes, et cetera and are in direct competition with you for the same price point then you either adapt to these upgrades, or lower your asking price, the margins have nothing to do with us the consumer. We get it you don’t produce at the same level of quantity so prices will reflect that, usually Jazzinc products do a decent job to make up for that, but not here, not with that painter.

If Joost decided a couple years ago to start producing figures and was able to get the ball rolling then, the community would be a little more understanding, today isn’t the time to start experimenting on your first figure priced at $300+ with the products that get released along side it. You really have to wow people now right out of the gate. If we’re talking about later on implementing rolling eyes then why shouldn’t we just wait till then to purchase? The 89’ Batmobile is being made, with every detail imaginable, will release and be a one and done, treat these figures the same, only home runs for Jazzinc.
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The uncomfortable truth. When something more than a flat colour has been required, I found it to look a tad amateurish.

Maybe Joost will warm up to moveable eyes down the road and can then offer an upgrade Catwoman head sculpt.

InArt Joker was their first attempt at any figure and his eyelids were definitely too thick.
However, they very quickly learned and rectified that so, by the time Gandalf released, they’d found the sweet spot.
Any company’s first figure is going to become outdated very quickly due to it essentially being on the job training.
The lessons learnt will dramatically improve all aspects of the next offering.
But, if this is "the ultimate" Catwoman, it cannot by definition be improved upon...
It's also the FIRST licensed Catwoman. A lot of assumptions that it is already a fail and "yesterday's game" before its even complete.

It is this kind of OCD outrage that ends communications between companies and their buyers.

Someone even went so far as to advise Joost should not show anything until its ready. Does that make sense? How would the community make suggestions -- the wealth of knowledge amongst the nuts in here is invaluable. But the impatience of the many drowns out the positive suggestions of the few.

I love seeing progress. Sometimes, you just have to remember it is "progress"...
Just read through the last pages. This thread went from enthusiastically excitec to underwhelmingly negativity in just a few pages. Meanwhile a great looking head sculpt(everybody would have screamed for Sean sculpting this), a proto paintup and some metal claws as part of the wip were shown. Also Sean and Joost themselves did answer in this thread, telling you that they would have preferred a later statement but felt obliged due to the 3rd party announcement.
Guys, are you serious? What else do you want? Some of you guys better wake up.
I wouldn’t say any of us are being negative, just realistic. If they want to let their artists drip drip drip out work-in-progress photos, potential buyers have a duty to say while that’s nice it’s not there yet for the price we’ve been told to expect, given the competition. They don’t have to be showing us anything at all until they start asking for deposits, and I don’t think anyone was demanding otherwise.
Yep, I don’t expect a single thing until the preorder stage, at that point I need to see something so I’ll have something to compare the final product to. Knowing Joost he will always show us something no matter the stage, which I appreciate, and admire the transparency. Seeing the progress on the 89’ Batmobile has been a real treat to the viewer.

My thoughts would simply be to halt full fledged production until you’re fully capable of making this happen to the perfection Joost and all of us want from this. Rolling eyes are a must here, and Michelle may not grant her likeness again for another go at this later on a 2.0. Grind it out behind the scenes trying different techniques but being vocal with your customer about it is best imo. I don’t know if WB gave this a release window and schedule to follow already but it feels like we’re a bit too early for a PO stage. Lock down a professional painter at 2024 level, then sort away a factory that can produce results. Are the figures going to be produced similarly to the vehicles, all in house? I know he’s stated he doesn’t view himself as directly in competition with HT, JND, IA & others, but you don’t get to decide that when you throw a similar product into the same market. It will be directly comparable and should be when priced as such.
No knock to the proto sculpt shown but it really is no different than what was sculpted years ago which were great but now would be the time to experiment with new ideas and try out some different casting and paint techniques.
You sure about that?

This is one of Sean Dabb's Catwoman sculpts from a few years ago, painted by Jacob Rahmier last year.
That still gives off the impression of an at home paint job by a talented artist in their free time, not production quality assembly line licensed product. Having a crew of factory workers try to mimic that paint job won’t turn out well, are you familiar with the Neca 1:4 Catwoman?

Eyes are extremely difficult to paint, make symmetrical, appearing wet enough to be lifelike with paint. There’s less than 50 Artists in this hobby who can do a convincing job of painting eyes and irises on one sculpt, let alone 500 -1000+ and finish production in a timely manner, on top of all the other hurdles he’ll undoubtedly face with producing 1:6 figures.
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That still gives off the impression of an at home paint job by a talented artist in their free time, not production quality assembly line licensed product. Having a crew of factory workers try to mimic that paint job won’t turn out well, are you familiar with the Neca 1:4 Catwoman?

Eyes are extremely difficult to paint, make symmetrical, appearing wet enough to be lifelike with paint. There’s less than 50 Artists in this hobby who can do a convincing job of painting eyes and irises on one sculpt, let alone 500 -1000+ and finish production in a timely manner, on top of all the other hurdles he’ll undoubtedly face with producing 1:6 figures.
You're so stuck in this groove that you don't seem to have any idea what point I was making at all. Go ahead and reread my post and the one I was quoting. Context clues may help. (Here's a hint: I didn't share that pic as an example of something better)