Walt Disney World and Disneyland(s) Discussion

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Love those Indy interior ride shots Coheteboy! I totally failed on my dark ride shots at Disneyland. I'm still processing a ton of images, but here's one of Sleeping Beauty castle in her 60th Anniversary guise....



  • Disneyland 2016-Sleeping Beauty Castle 01 copy.jpg
    Disneyland 2016-Sleeping Beauty Castle 01 copy.jpg
    376.9 KB
I'm starting to think my "Take pictures with a Canon Powershot from 2005 with no photography knowledge", coupled with my "take photos with my phone" skills are not going to make me the top Disney photog on here.

forestlite - if that is a preview of what you're offering, I'm excited.

We've been spoiled here with cohete's pictures. I mean, he takes a picture of something like a popcorn vendor and it looks amazing. And there have been others, as well (sorry for not being able to name drop).

It really is amazing on Disney's part. A crappy picture (see : my "Photos" directory on my computer) makes me excited. Add actual photographic skill to a Disney park, and it's basically porn to me. (Please remove any inherent creepiness from that comparison.)
Hey cokebabies....I totally know where you're coming from. I use to visit the Disney parks with a P&S camera...totally content with pics I took in auto mode. It was only before my last trip to WDW that I noticed a lack of night shots. And for good reason...in auto mode, you usually end up with pics that have flash wash out and the subtlety of Disney lighting, all but lost. From that point on, I decided to learn how to shoot in manual to get those long exposure, night images (thank goodness for the internet and YouTube).

Totally agree with you on the photogenic qualities of the Disney parks. It really is hard to take a bad shot, and in daylight conditions (especially if the sun isn't too harsh), any phone will come away with some solid images.

Here are a few more. The first batch is from Disneyland including a shot of the Abominable Snowman from the Matterhorn ride. It took me a couple of tries to get a decent image as trying to hold on to a DSLR on the bobsled can be quite a challenge!

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Those are outstanding photos, Forest! Some of the best Disneyland pictures I've seen.
Hey cokebabies....I totally know where you're coming from. I use to visit the Disney parks with a P&S camera...totally content with pics I took in auto mode. It was only before my last trip to WDW that I noticed a lack of night shots. And for good reason...in auto mode, you usually end up with pics that have flash wash out and the subtlety of Disney lighting, all but lost. From that point on, I decided to learn how to shoot in manual to get those long exposure, night images (thank goodness for the internet and YouTube).

Totally agree with you on the photogenic qualities of the Disney parks. It really is hard to take a bad shot, and in daylight conditions (especially if the sun isn't too harsh), any phone will come away with some solid images.

My first couple trips to WDW, trying to take pictures at night or on an indoor attraction - that was a quick "Well, this isn't going to work" moment. But I know my personal limits. I don't have a high enough interest in photography to adjust levels, use a better (and bigger) camera, etc. I just figure I can get some good enough outdoor shots for personal memories, and the character meals are (usually) pretty well lit.

So I leave the great shots to people who are much more skilled than I am. And seriously, you are posting some absolute ridiculousness. Not getting too technical (because I'm dumb with this) - so generalities are encouraged, but what are you doing to give your pictures that semi-stylized look? Mainly on the dark shots - the lights look a tad more neon, and it almost looks like a filter in some shots (like that Blue Bayou shot).

Also a request : do you have a Blue Bayou shot like that, but facing the Pirates water? BB is a DLR favorite of my wife and I (and the only restaurant my 16 month old fully behaved in on her first Disney trip).
Obviously, this isn't meant as an insult to your pictures - since I'm on record multiple times being pervy for them - but Indy looks HORRIBLE there.

It's not a great likeness regardless, but something about the angle or something - he looks like a bloated, sweaty mess. :lol Also, on quick glance, it looks like he's got a Jay Cutler-esque cigarette dangling.

On the flipside - that closeup picture of the guitar... I don't know exactly what it is about it, but that's a gorgeous shot. I've always loved that guitar shape, so I'm sure that helps.

Forest's photos are beyond amazing. Nothing I can do will come close to that.

And yes, the Indy on the bottom (i think you're referring to) is still the same figure from 1995. I think they weren't allowed to do Harrison Ford's likeness back then, but the NEW indy animatronic they put in (the one against the wall) is a lot more accurate. I'm unsure why one was updated and the other not.

Some more general pics. Not masterpieces like Forestlite!



Turtle Talk with Crush got a Finding Dory makeover

To the ocean depths and beyond...





Not as sharp pic of Harold


Trader Sam's Enchanted Tiki Bar









I've pretty much memorized the entire park (DLR more so than DCA), but it's nice to see the different angles and perspectives from others.
Keep the pics coming in fellas and thanks for sharing your memories. :duff
Great photos everyone!

Are those glasses/cups in Trader Joe's available for purchase? I'm coming over for thanksgiving so will be hitting the parks in early December, will need to get some swag.
Great photos everyone!

Are those glasses/cups in Trader Joe's available for purchase? I'm coming over for thanksgiving so will be hitting the parks in early December, will need to get some swag.

Yup! Here's all the mugs you can get from Trader Sam's Enchanted Tiki Bar, some of which are shared exclusives with Trader Sam's Orlando.

Krakatoa Punch
Shipwreck on the Rocks
Uh Oa
Shrunken Zombie Head

And more pics


Club 33's 1901 Lounge in California Adventure



And sad news about Tower of Terror... they already took down the letters on the front of the hotel. Here's a few around the hotel









Star Wars Land progress










So I leave the great shots to people who are much more skilled than I am. And seriously, you are posting some absolute ridiculousness. Not getting too technical (because I'm dumb with this) - so generalities are encouraged, but what are you doing to give your pictures that semi-stylized look? Mainly on the dark shots - the lights look a tad more neon, and it almost looks like a filter in some shots (like that Blue Bayou shot).

Also a request : do you have a Blue Bayou shot like that, but facing the Pirates water? BB is a DLR favorite of my wife and I (and the only restaurant my 16 month old fully behaved in on her first Disney trip).

Thanks for the kind words cokebabies! In regards to the semi-stylized look of my photos, part of it maybe the type of camera format I shoot which is a full frame that utilizes a larger sensor. I've heard many seasoned full frame shooters say there's a subtle ''pop" and 3D look that crop sensor cameras don't exhibit (crop sensors are found in Point & Shoot cameras and lower to mid range DSLRs). It could be, but I think it's probably more how an individual processes their work through Lightroom, Photoshop, etc. I also use additional software that can do things like enhance detail, adjust color contrast, etc. There is such a huge selection of tools that can really do wonders with images...it's just getting out there and trying to learn all this stuff. I'll probably get major flak for this, but for me personally, how one processes their images has become equally important to taking the actual photo itself.

Okay, sorry for rambling on about the technical side which can get boring pretty fast to non photo geeks...LOL! I wasn't able to get a clear shot of the Pirates ride due to the area I was seated. I took the earliest reservation that day, hoping to beat the crowds and take some shots with my tripod. Unfortunately, while relatively empty, most guests request areas closest to the ride, so I wasn't able to access any of those viewpoints easily. I've attached a few more shots that have a somewhat partial POTC view as well as the outside entrance.

Hey coheteboy, other than my dragging a tripod to the parks for long exposure images, I don't see much difference between our stuff! In fact, you have a much better eye than me for a lot of the details which shows in your latest batch of photos! I also love how you use your unique perspective to show us aspects of the parks we might otherwise miss!
I've pretty much memorized the entire park (DLR more so than DCA), but it's nice to see the different angles and perspectives from others.

This is probably a huge aspect of why I find well-done Disney parks photography so interesting (besides the subject matter).

Maybe-embarrassing admission, or maybe not when among kindred spirits. If insomnia hits, my method of falling asleep is to walk the parks. I pick a park, and just wander around in my head. I'm happy, I'm not bored (which is sort of weird but I don't care), and eventually - the brain gives up and I go to sleep. So WDW and DLR, I know like the back of John from Carousel of Progress's hand.

But despite seeing something dozens / hundreds / thousands of times, seeing it through someone else's eyes / lense - it's a different yet familiar experience : often the best kind.

Thanks for the kind words cokebabies! In regards to the semi-stylized look of my photos, part of it maybe the type of camera format I shoot which is a full frame that utilizes a larger sensor. I've heard many seasoned full frame shooters say there's a subtle ''pop" and 3D look that crop sensor cameras don't exhibit (crop sensors are found in Point & Shoot cameras and lower to mid range DSLRs). It could be, but I think it's probably more how an individual processes their work through Lightroom, Photoshop, etc. I also use additional software that can do things like enhance detail, adjust color contrast, etc. There is such a huge selection of tools that can really do wonders with images...it's just getting out there and trying to learn all this stuff. I'll probably get major flak for this, but for me personally, how one processes their images has become equally important to taking the actual photo itself.

(Does the math in his head) Okay, so it's not just "I'm pointing my point & click camera / phone in a less than ideal direction!"

As for your last point - to someone uneducated to the art, I can see that being a major factor now, and I personally don't see it as a stigma. That said, I wouldn't mind seeing some more raw (or RAW, depending) shots - to get an idea of the difference.

Okay, sorry for rambling on about the technical side which can get boring pretty fast to non photo geeks...LOL! I wasn't able to get a clear shot of the Pirates ride due to the area I was seated. I took the earliest reservation that day, hoping to beat the crowds and take some shots with my tripod. Unfortunately, while relatively empty, most guests request areas closest to the ride, so I wasn't able to access any of those viewpoints easily. I've attached a few more shots that have a somewhat partial POTC view as well as the outside entrance.

These are fantastic, thanks!

Hey coheteboy, other than my dragging a tripod to the parks for long exposure images, I don't see much difference between our stuff! In fact, you have a much better eye than me for a lot of the details which shows in your latest batch of photos! I also love how you use your unique perspective to show us aspects of the parks we might otherwise miss!

I feel like I'm defending both parents in a divorce - though I need to specify that is NOT related to any "competition" or anything like that. But you two are my favorite Disney park photogs on this board. I also find this easier to talk about, coming from a "Hey, my pictures are mediocre on their best day!" perspective.

Cohete really does have an amazing eye for detail - we'll see a statue or part of a park fifteen times walking around, but something about the way he "sees" it - it's refreshing. It probably helps than that lucky sumbitch seems to get to go to DLR on his lunch break.

/long post about Disney pictures where I don't post a single image.

edited to add : that's a pretty obnoxious amount of various punctuations
Hey coheteboy, other than my dragging a tripod to the parks for long exposure images, I don't see much difference between our stuff! In fact, you have a much better eye than me for a lot of the details which shows in your latest batch of photos! I also love how you use your unique perspective to show us aspects of the parks we might otherwise miss!

Thank you for the kind words! I suppose I wish I had the willpower to get a good tripod and do some shots but like yourself, I would prefer no guests in the shot, and lately, it just seems like the place is too packed for taking shots like that.

I think waiting until park closing provides some nice empty areas but it's quite a trek to just get a handful of shots a night. But kudos to you for doing it... those Blue Bayou images are STUNNINGLY beautiful.

Maybe-embarrassing admission, or maybe not when among kindred spirits. If insomnia hits, my method of falling asleep is to walk the parks. I pick a park, and just wander around in my head. I'm happy, I'm not bored (which is sort of weird but I don't care), and eventually - the brain gives up and I go to sleep. So WDW and DLR, I know like the back of John from Carousel of Progress's hand.

But despite seeing something dozens / hundreds / thousands of times, seeing it through someone else's eyes / lense - it's a different yet familiar experience : often the best kind.

Yeah, same. Lately, I do more wandering than I do riding. Just poking my head around in corners. I did that an awful lot at Shanghai Disneyland.... which... I don't think I posted any pics from have I?

I feel like I'm defending both parents in a divorce - though I need to specify that is NOT related to any "competition" or anything like that. But you two are my favorite Disney park photogs on this board. I also find this easier to talk about, coming from a "Hey, my pictures are mediocre on their best day!" perspective.

Cohete really does have an amazing eye for detail - we'll see a statue or part of a park fifteen times walking around, but something about the way he "sees" it - it's refreshing. It probably helps than that lucky sumbitch seems to get to go to DLR on his lunch break.

Aww, many thanks for the really kind words... LOL but no, I'm not close enough to Disneyland for a lunch break visit. I'm actually closer to Universal Studios Hollywood if I had to pick a lunch break theme park. I'm just fortunate that my parents DO live near Disneyland and I try to have at least one meal with them on the weekend (the other meal at Disneyland of course).
Few more Halloween shots and Haunted Mansion Holiday... they added a new Sally figure with blinking eyes and a leg that moves.
























WOW..love these Haunted Mansion shots! I got zippo when I was at the park...all too dark and underexposed to be usable. Props to you Coheteboy....at least I can enjoy your photos! Love to see your Shanghai stuff. I'm planning on a trip to Tokyo Disney next fall and am wondering if I should try to squeeze in China's parks....
WOW..love these Haunted Mansion shots! I got zippo when I was at the park...all too dark and underexposed to be usable. Props to you Coheteboy....at least I can enjoy your photos! Love to see your Shanghai stuff. I'm planning on a trip to Tokyo Disney next fall and am wondering if I should try to squeeze in China's parks....

Thanks! Okay, once I finish posting the last of my Disneyland pics I'll get some Shanghai uploaded. I'll need to make an edit on those because I shot so many.

In the mean time, last of my disneyland pics!

Star Wars Season of the Force has officially ended. Hyperspace Mountain is Ghost Galaxy again and the signage at the entrance turned into... more Tomorrowland.


Ghost Galaxy green loading zone



Tower of Terror has lost its marquee signage out front. It's really bad show. These are from the night before they took them down. The lights weren't even lit up.





During the day, the Silverlake Sisters come out and sing in the lobby















Carthay is pretty naked now

Dia De Los Muertos display




Okay that's it... working on Shanghai Disneyland next!