Yeah the super facehugger ( I always thought they could of had a better name , it sounds like a superhero !. )
Heres a phrase from the avp encyclopedia about her.
The super facehugger or the queen face hugger is different from the rest. It usually a little larger than the other facehuggers and has more of a metalic exoskeleton and it limbs are usually very sharp spears. It has spines going down the middle of it back, and can impregnate multiple times. This face hugger will make a queen, and then make her royal elite guards to keep her safe as she starts her journey. This super facehugger is not made by a queen, it is made by a drone/adult. This fact is later discovered in the comic book series and explains how the alien queen comes about in the second movie Aliens. They start to show how the adult reproduces the the super facehugger in the first movie in the cut secenes. When Ripley sees Bretts transformation and some of the other crew members down in the docking bay. The Aliens are able to introduce DNA into the human system that alters their body's chemistry so dramaticaly that it begins to morph into an alien egg. The DNA is passed into the host system from a stinger located at the tip of the alien tail. It takes ruffly 24 to 36 hours for complete transformation. It does not fully explain this in the comics or in the movies. It just introduces the idea and leaves the rest up to speculation.