It won't be long now! I can't wait for some WH13 goodness!

How did you get the vid Buffygirl, was it an ad on tv that you recorded? Havent seen anyone else post one.
I didn't think about that cloth being wrapped around the bomb, geez I hope not. Seriously if we have to watch HG die again, my tv is going to end up through a window!
Apparently Joanne said at the panel that "Myka will always love HG."
Two thoughts, first, yay because maybe they will make it canon. However second thought is it sounds like HG is dead and not coming back. When people say "will always love" it usually means they've lost that person.
Gah, I really don't want HG to be dead!
I dont know what it is with Jack Kenny, but he just doesn't seem to support Myka/HG at all. Even during that panel after Jo said about Myka loving HG, Kenny has to chime in with "we all will". I would have loved to have seen someone directly ask him the question on how he sees the relationship, I'd be really interested in his answer to that.
Im sure you've seen the little interview after the panel where Jo once again confirms that Myka and HG are in love and talks about it in a bit more detail. I think shes very passionate about this storyline and really wants it to be discussed. When asked the question during the panel, she kept getting interrupted, but made sure she answered the question seriously. How I would have loved for Jaime to have been up there with her. I dont think I've ever seen an interview with the two of them together.
The Defiance panel was pretty good too. Poor Jaime, she didn't know what to say about the HG question. She kept talking about her in the past tense. I dont know if that really means anything, but her reaction cracked me up. I do love though that the only question that wasn't about Defiance, was about HG. She is so loved it ain't funny!
Only 1 week to go now.
Eddie acts like he's drunk 24/7 I think LOL! I can see Pete isn't too much of a stretch for him, he's very Pete like!
I'm not sure why Eddie doesn't seem to acknowledge Myka/HG in interviews, when he seems very well aware of it all on Twitter. Jo seems to be the only one who talks about the Myka/HG relationship, the rest of the cast seem to keep their mouths shut on the subject. Are they not allowed to talk about it or what?
I don't recall ever hearing Jaime mention that Myka/HG are in love either.
Jo's definitely the Captain of our ship![]()