WATCHMEN Movie Discussion (SPOILERS allowed)!

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I always figured that's Superman they're burning in effigy during the Keene Riots against superheroes.

Obviously, Superman himself doesn't exist in the WATCHMEN universe, but the comic book might... or at least something close.

Ah. very cool.

My pleasure.

Ah. very cool.

Actually, upon analyzing that shot in hi-res, that is definitely what it is (an effigy of "Superman" representing their hatred of superheroes). It's basically his costume, except for the shield has a "SH" on it (presumably for "Superhero"). Pretty neat.
Very cool.

I wonder if Watchmen is a big enough hit if they'll dare make a movie of The Filth? It's to Watchmen as Watchmen is to TDK.

I'd love to see Secret Original on the big screen and hear the cries of outrage from the mainstream.

I was a mighty do-gooder. I lived in the Sky and everyone loved me. Now I piss in my trunks and no-one changes me for days. All this time trying hard to smile through the pain, to stay true to my characterization...and then just the other day, I looked in the contents of my bowel bag and I realized...I'm not a handsome hero, anymore. I'm an ugly villain. And I want to ^^^^ your World Up the way you ^^^^ed mine.

Wish the scar was a bit nastier looking, but it'd be tough to deleiver lines properly with an appliance on the side of your mouth.

Still can't figure out who that is that they're burning at 2:09?

I don't think so. I guess it really depends just how bad the scarring is. I heard the scars they used on the Joker felt like Heath was wearing nothing. So appliances have come a far way that is for sure.
I don't think so. I guess it really depends just how bad the scarring is. I heard the scars they used on the Joker felt like Heath was wearing nothing. So appliances have come a far way that is for sure.

Yeah. good point. They could've figured something out had they chosen that route. Though the Joker scarring is more straight cuts than the contorted Comedian's scar.

WATCHMEN's coming out, and most likely still on March 6. We got notified today that there will be at least one screening planned in Atlanta at the end of February (and probably all over the country) for media.