WB animated DC Young Justice series

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I thought it was cool. It was a good start. I wish they had made Robin bigger and more mature. He comes off like a 15 yo high school sophmore. And what's with that laugh?
Yeah. Robin was typically the leader of the Titans. Probably mostly due to his being most recognizable, but he was also the smartest and best strategist of course. But I have difficulties imagining him being the leader of a group with a guy who seems older and far more mature/level-headed in Manta's son or whomever black Aqualad is. I really came away from the episode feeling he would be leader, if there is a leader to be had. Kid Flash and Robin both seemed like 13-14 year olds. Will be curious to see how that all plays out, but in general, I think making them all mid-late teens like Speedy and Aqualad (similar to their ages in the Wolfman/Perez New Teen Titans era) would have worked best considering the relatively mature atmosphere of the show.
I think Robin still came off as the leader since he was calling the majority of the shots but I agree he was portrayed much more immature than I would have wanted. I really hope that we get figures from this show of the adults not only the Titans.

Did they say which Robin it was? I know they said some of the names specifically but I don't remember them saying his....I'm assuming Tim but the costume is a little off....
Did they actually say that's who it was? If not, I would be curious to see what role Nightwing might play, though it seems like Roy Harper has already been established as the sidekick that had had enough and took off on his own. Not even sure who Kid Flash is. Since Flash was so chatty, I'm guessing he was Wally West, meaning Kid Flash is probably Bart Allen but. . .maybe not? I guess it really doesn't matter. They are taking so many liberties to begin with, that it might be best to just treat these characters as entirely new creations.
its been confirmed at comic con that its grayson and wally, unfortunatly. I wish it was tim and bart.
Really? That's a little disappointing. Barry was much more straightlaced and the Flash really came off as a Wally type. I'm a little upset that its Grayson as well since the costume is so much like the newer Robins. I think there is a way to incorporate Robin's old school costume, they did it with Roy's. The fact that three of the Titans are the originals (Roy, Wally and Grayson) makes the addition of Blaqualad and Miss Martian a little more jarring especially since I doubt we'll see Donna (most likely if they include Wonder Girl it'll be the modern) and the addition of Red Tornado over Cyborg is a little sad too.

Oh well, I still liked it and am anxious for the show to actually start.
Did I miss it this weekend? Was there a new episode because I got nothing on my DVR?
When Wonder Girl jones I doubt it will be Cassie. Don't get me wrong, I prefer to have Donna Troy but the role of love interest for Superboy seems to be going towards Miss Martian. In the comics Cassie and Conner were an item. Who knows if they will go in that direction. I'm interested to see how Arrowette works in the team.
In case anyone missed this, here is the Flaming C on Young Justice.

<iframe title="YouTube video player" class="youtube-player" type="text/html" width="640" height="390" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/ITDVAmhgH5s" frameborder="0" allowFullScreen></iframe>
Pretty much the best show on cn right now. New episode tommarow for sure and its not going to be a rerun. yay.
I can't wait for the new episode tonight. I was really disappointed that the season premier was just the pilot cut in two.
This show looks like it is going to be great which makes me feel better since this is the last season of Batman The Brave and the Bold.
Beyond pissed that they just cut up the movie as the premiere. Looking forward to this tonight.
Just wanted to bump this thread since I don't think the show is getting much traction.

I'm really liking it, although the angsty Superboy is getting a tad annoying.
The characterizations are great and very much like Justice League in how deep they're going into each one. I do like how they're playing Superman against type by making him so closed off - I think this will lead to interesting things with the relationship.

But who is Aqualad? Is he a comic character that I just don't know about?
Blaqualad (as he is affectionately referred to) is Jackson Hyde who was introduced in the Brightest Day mini-series first appearing in Brightest Day 10 in September of last year. The character is directly based on this portrayal, the difference is that in Young Justice they refer to him as Kaldur'ahm, the background is still the same though him being the son of Black Manta, I want to say that in the Young Justice series they are wiping out the Jackson Hyde persona and going just with the Kaldur'ahm part which Johns is still flushing out in the ongoing series...
I think Kid flash is wally west, I'm sure I heard him being referred to as Wally once... I'll rewatching the first 4 episodes to see if I can find it. I kind of feel that It's Bart Allen take on Kid Flash and Robin has that Tim Drake like aspiration to be Batman, ____ was more of a wannabe hero in his own right...

I will say this though, This cartoon really show's how great the WB animation team is with their DC properties... In comparison with the new Avengers cartoon which is now great once the Klang storyline came up... but the first few episodes took forever to get the ball rolling!
I do think it is weird we are getting Aqualad all developed before he is in the comics. I mean he's been in like 5 issues so far and he is already fully developed here. Kinda spoils whatever will happen to him through the rest of Brightest Day, but whatever. :dunno

I like that we've already seen some big bads like Bane and Amazo. And I really like that this show isn't purely the kids. We get Batman and everyone else too appearing here and there. It really makes it feel more like a complete universe when the 'grown ups' are still hanging around, even if they aren't the focus of the show.