What's up with Sisqo Aqualad? Did he ever have that look in the comics?
Last nights episode was great, when I saw superboy move that ballI thought oh snap are we about to see supergirl.
Wait supergirl wasnt on the teen titans show was she ?
Bereft, kind of feel like a filler episode, although it need further interest more in Artemis' possible threat potential. The sphere seem interesting, But I'm really interested in Speedy/Red Arrow's plot line and I want to see Superman come around to Superboy's existence... Also, Nolan North (Uncharted's Nathan Drake) is doing a great job as Superman & Superboy, my new favourite Superman voice actor... Next to Tim Daly!
Deathstroke i hope will be in this soon!
Yes, I really loved the last couple of episodes... The Failsafe episode was great and needed the followup episode that showed the team's shock at the failures that it showed to them all individually. Also, as I've said before. I really want to See Superman become more involved with Superboy's to head-off some of his anger issues!
I cant believe this isn't talked about on here. This show is probaly the best hero show on tv right now.