Another Clean Endo that I placed on the waitlist just turned into an order!!! Anyone want it?? I'll let it go for $650![]()
When did you place your waitlist dude?
Another Clean Endo that I placed on the waitlist just turned into an order!!! Anyone want it?? I'll let it go for $650![]()
Well, I'm in talks with a freak about selling it.I don't know if he wan't me to mention his name?But yeah I put two Endo bust's on the wait-List on the 16th.
Has anyone been able to get an answer about these endos?
Are the being produced again?
Well the guy that coverted my order to a flex-Pay said that SS was being real hush hush about it,they didn't tell him or anyone else in the office until the last minute.He also said that there was a very limited amount found. But it seems as though they found quite a few. I don't know,it just doesn't seem like they could have found that many?
It is unusual that as soon as many people started "cleaning" their BD endobust that "clean" endobusts were found. However, the cartons are the same size and I could see a pallet of clean ones being put in the middle of a section designated for the BD endobusts. Can you imagine the size of the Sideshow warehouse? Let me clean up my drool and grab a bib while I contemplate the warehouse again.
Still... F'in... waiting!
I'm loosing hope people.
Looks like Sideshow don't want my $500.00!!!
I think you will get one. Seems like everyone who jumped on 16-17FEB is getting one.
Who got one from the 2-17 waitlist??
Not to brag or rub in the salt but... my card has been charged!![]()
This thing is going to look tits in my detolf below my Arnold 1:1.
Hope there is still some more left for you guys.
awesome news!!! when did you place your order again?