We got SNOW!!!

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Blizzard here as well. Already 10+ inches, going to be around 20.

Were suppose to get between 10-12 inches I believe here. Cleaned out the garage so I could actually park in there yesterday. Wood is cut, house is warm, let it snow let it snow let it snow.
I'm so jealous of the snow you're getting. The last time I remember Florida getting significant amounts of snow was in the early 90s, but luckily I've experienced snow many times. My family is from West Virginia, so I've been there for the holidays. Last time I went during the winter was 2005, and it snowed a lot, can't remember the total. I believe it was 8 to 10 inches. Not a lot by some standards, but a lot by a Floridian's standards. :lol

Anyway, I know it's a beautiful yet dangerous substance (like cocaine :p) but I still wish Florida would get just a bit more snow. Can't wait to move somewhere that actually has four seasons, instead of just two.
Were suppose to get between 10-12 inches I believe here. Cleaned out the garage so I could actually park in there yesterday. Wood is cut, house is warm, let it snow let it snow let it snow.

We are supposed to get up to 12 inches up here at around midnight and is supposed to pile on during the overnight hours. Everybody is either at the malls or grocery stores right now (buying up milk and bread) and the traffic is unreal.
I find it hilarious people still flock to the grocery stores like they won't be able to drive for 3 weeks so they stock up on everything. I understand back in the day doing it, but once the plows hit the roads it doesn't take long to clear everything.