We Need a PF WEDGE!!!!

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Super Freak
CF Supporter
Jul 23, 2006
Reaction score
Atlantic Ocean
The real Greatest Star Pilot in the galaxy!!

He saved Luke during the 1st Death Star battle.

He helped bring down the first AT-AT (with some nice shooting by Jensen)

and he helped destroy the 2nd Death Star!!!


The next person who posts a "We need a PF [Enter overrated secondary character here]" thread needs a wedgIE.

IrishJedi said:
The next person who posts a "We need a PF [Enter overrated secondary character here]" thread needs a wedgIE.


OVER RATED?????????

HE'S WEDGE!!!!!!!
Helped save the Galaxy more times then Lando!

More lines of dialogue then Fett and Maul combined!

Has not been shot down, crashed his ship, of lost the life of his co pilot or Droid. Which is more then I can say for that Luke Skywalker guy!!

Got to shake hands with Chewbacca!!!
Tom seems to be off-duty, so I'll reiterate this for him: Sideshow is already doing an X-Wing Pilot Luke PF.

Why not ammortize some of the r&d that goes into developing an X-Wing Pilot costume into a second pilot PF? Just do a new body stance, a new head sculpt, plus whatever's needed to differentiate the two, accessory-wise, and you'd have Wedge. Easy and nice. Plus, they'd look good together on a shelf.

Now, Porkins is of course William Hootkins, the same guy who appeared in Raiders and Batman, but as Sideshow has neither of those two licences, it'll be hard to ammortize creating a fat body PF to ammortize HIM...
I think I would have to agree.
A 1/4 scale version of the x-wing pilot outfit would be great! But seriously, how many Lukes do we need? Wedge would fit the role of an X-Wing pilot PF perfectly.
theropod said:
I think I would have to agree.
But seriously, how many Lukes do we need?

At least 5 or 6 more PFs before SS should consider focusing their efforts on a background character like Wedge.