We want our Dave Prowse back!

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That's why it takes both Prowse and JEJ to be Vader. Because if JEJ wore the suit Vader would have a beer gut.
No doubt that James gives Vader the absolute "voice of authority." ;)

<object width="480" height="385"><param name="movie" value="https://www.youtube.com/v/bwfhZWyo0XQ&hl=en_US&fs=1"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="https://www.youtube.com/v/bwfhZWyo0XQ&hl=en_US&fs=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="480" height="385"></embed></object>
I forget his name, but LFL is now marketing some other guy as Vader. Saw him at a couple of cons last year. He stood in for Prowse in reshot Special Edition scenes as well as played Vader in a few of the video games. Never had any desire to get his John Handcock though. :lol
I forget his name, but LFL is now marketing some other guy as Vader. Saw him at a couple of cons last year. He stood in for Prowse in reshot Special Edition scenes as well as played Vader in a few of the video games. Never had any desire to get his John Handcock though. :lol

That's just ..sad.
Prowse looks good in the suit, and he deserves credit for his walking, strutting, standing and pointing. But....

don't sell short Bob Anderson, whom most of us know donned the suit for the lightsaber fights in ESB & ROTJ. He always seems to get left out when Vader credit is being passed around.

BTW, here's a documentary I highly recommend;


My minute moment w/ Anthony Daniels in 2000...

He asked me how I spelled my name, them proceeded to write it wrong anyways. Finishing, he inquired if it was correct & I replied "close enough". He then sighed heavily, rolled his eyes, & crumpled up the picture. "Let's start again, shall we?" Totally hilarious & classic. He was nice enough to stand-up & take a pix w/ me too where he nestled right up next to me. I think he found me cute...lol.
While I don't wish the man any ill will, he did irritate me a couple years back when I was trying to sell my Empire Strikes Back poster which he, Mark Hamill, Carrie Fisher, Kenny Baker, Anthony Daniels, James Earl Jones, Peter Mayhew, John Williams, Jeremy Bulloch, and George Lucas autographed over the years. I really needed the dough so I listed it on eBay and someone claiming to be David Prowse's representative had the auction shut down because A) I was selling David Prowse's autograph without consent and B) they felt the autographs were forgeries (despite the photos I posted of myself with the actors, taken at the time of the autographs.) eBay would not let me re-list the poster.

Then again, I once posted an auction of the old Jabba's Skiff Guards figures which I had custom-carded and Lucasfilm had the auction shut down on the basis that "this does not represent how these figures were intended to be sold."

Go figure.

- J

what if you pay for an autograph? can they still stop u from selling it?