Since I'm out of lurker mode (for at least as long as it takes to gauge interest in my Anduril LE in the For Sale area), might as well post my list of WETA LEs:
Ringwraith on Steed - 4375 / 5000
Gimli - 1881 / 2000
Fell Beast - 2693 / 3000
Gandalf on Shadowfax - 155 / 8500
King Elessar - 1849 / 3000
Boromir - 1620 / 2000
Grima Wormtongue - 1175 / 2000
Uruk-hai Berserker - 1566 / 3000
Morgul Lord - 2449 / 9500
Shelob - 595 / 5000
The Golden Hall - 355 / 4000
Helm's Deep - 831 / 4000
The Mines of Moria - 828 / 4000
Minas Morgul - 2443 / 8500
Weapon Sets:
The Arms of the Fellowship 1 - 2359 / 2500
The Arms of Legolas - 1083 / 2500
The Arms of Gimli - 777 / 2500
The Arms of Aragorn - 517 / 2500
The Arms of Lurtz - 487 / 2500
The Arms of the Moria Orcs - 101 / 2500
The Arms of the Hobbits - 1980 / 2500
The Arms of the Nazgul - 2424 / 2500
The Arms of the Fellowship 2 - 675 / 2500
Wall Plaques:
Escape Off the Road - 1011 / 10000
You Shall Not Pass - 327 / 2000
A Meeting of Old Friends - 626 / 3000