Gotcha both on! Thanks!
We are already working on Dani. We just got a tailor involved with Ned today. What body would you guys ideally like to see Ned on?
Put me down for all of them. Thanks.
In the future, I'd love to see all of the Starks, as well as Cersei, Jaime, and Tywin Lannister. I'd also love to see Varys and Littlefinger, though they're less essential. Someone has already created a fantastic 3D image of Tywin. Can't recall where I saw it, but it could be used for 3D printing!
EDIT: Found it! I've contacted to see if he would be willing to share or has the ability to 3D print copies...
With armor and boots? Oh, hells yeah! That would be amazing.
any work in progress pics of Daenerys?