Re: WGP's Classic Star Trek (being cast now)
Just want to say that I got BA Kirk, Rand, and Scotty in the mail a couple days ago - THANK YOU, WGP, for making these happen!!!
I am 110% happy with them, just blown away by the likenesses. For some reason, Rand in particular caught me off guard - maybe I just wasn't paying attention as closely with her as I was the others, but her likeness is awesome, I just sat and stared at it for quite a few minutes. Scotty's corrected neck looks fantastic and this is THE best Shatner likeness in 1/6 form done to date.
I'm hoping to get some of my own pics up, but this week/weekend is just insanely busy

so, hopefully soon on those. I'm gonna be poor until after the holidays, so I won't be able to look into getting these heads professionally painted until then, much less bashing costumes. Is WGP still pursuing costuming for the TOS gang (the proposed boots looked AWESOME)?

I know Spenser is doing some formidable work, but, like I said, I won't be in a position financially to go after outfits for a couple months...
Having said that, I'm looking forward to being able to scoop up Sexpot Kirk and Sulu, as well as the space clipboard at that time. Oh, and how are the neural parasite coming along? "Parasite on Spock's butt", heh!
Really hoping WGP will be committed to rounding out the TOS crew in 2013. Also really, really want that Salt vampire that was teased at (that character has been dangled in front of Trek collectors' noses so many times, only to be snatched away by cancellations), as well as Kirk's command chair (or maybe even the chair with the helm console combo?? They were sort of an integrated unit on the bridge...). Good lord, I'm over-reaching now, but as an old-school Trek fan, I am just WAY too excited by all of this goodness!!! Nice work!