Payment sent for Sexy Kirk!
Sent in my payment for "rapist" Kirk too
I wonder if anyone will make an "Enemy Within" Kirk off of this one? Put him in the green wraparound and send him after Rand!
Wow, what bad timing to make a Rand head! A further funny thing was while searching screen caps for ref for her, all of the expression were usually pissed off or sad because of all of her stalkers. (laugh)
Arched-eyebrow Spock
these look great, but would definately be interested if outfits were produced.....bye the way what of the chances of some star trek tmp scults and outfits?
I know Spenser is working on some very nice uniforms, but I don't know that he's a big fan of making outfits to go with other people's headsculpts, which I can't say I blame him. I remember he was working on a Marion Ravenwood outfit to go with his headsculpt, and once everyone started buying Snyder-Man's instead, he pulled the plug. Not saying he'll do that with his Trek uniforms though.
Just ordered both Kirk heads. One question: Do the first ten orders per head get a neural parasite or is it just one parasite per order? I'd like to get an extra parasite to attach to Spock's butt as seen in the blooper reel.
Isn't that a Tricorder she's carrying and not a purse?
Payment sent. The toupees in both headsculpts look very authentic.
payment sent for bad ass kirk