WGP's Classic Star Trek: Sex-You-up Kirk pics

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Re: WGP's Classic Star Trek (WGP to make classic costumes)

I would so love to get another set of High Quality uniforms. Nanjin's were very, very good, but without Scotty, and Uhura, and as rare as they are, it's a pain :(

I'm down for uniform sets!
Re: WGP's Classic Star Trek (WGP to make classic costumes)

I'm in! And let me toss in a request for my own longtime grail -- MIRROR MIRROR uniforms (and a bearded Spock).
Re: WGP's Classic Star Trek (WGP to make classic costumes)

I'm in! And let me toss in a request for my own longtime grail -- MIRROR MIRROR uniforms (and a bearded Spock).

:goodpost: :clap :goodpost: :clap :goodpost:

"Mirror, Mirror" uniforms would be outstanding additions once we have worked through the main characters/regular uniforms. There's been talk of WGP doing one variant head per major character, but maybe we could consider an extra "Mirror, Mirror" variant for Spock/Sulu/Uhura heads? I think those were the only 3 characters who had notable differences in the appearance of their hair/faces?
Re: WGP's Classic Star Trek (WGP to make classic costumes)

I've been thinking on the boot problem, and may have a workable solution to solve it.Sculpting the boots is, of course, the easy part. Molding and finding a suitable casting material is more involved, but I think I might be on to something. I'll share when I know whether it works...PS
Re: WGP's Classic Star Trek (WGP to make classic costumes)

The new seamstress has blown the door open with possibilities. There will be Mirror Mirror counter parts for as many of the crew as the forum has interest in. It is true WGP wants each crew member to have two head versions if they need a worthy second expression. (Ex: Rand doesn't really need one). Whether or not the Mirror Mirror version is the characters second head or is their third is really just a matter of need.

I'd think Spock and McCoy can all use two different regular heads. So for Spock, his Mirror Mirror head will be his third. I don't remember McCoy at all from that ep to remember if he needs one.

Sulu could have normal and drunk expressions (if enough people actually go for that :rotfl). Mirror Mirror could be his third, etc.

As for clothes, ideally when we do McCoy for example, I want to be able to offer his normal uniform and his surgical shirt if there is enough interest, at the same time as his head. I really want to get some pics from people with McCoy examining Spock with Spocks pants pulled
down and McCoy examining the Neural parasite on his ass.

And of course Bones giving Kirk his Andorian syphilis shots. "Jim, you are building up an immunity to the anti-biotics!" :horror

Characters Mirror Mirror outfits would happen after the normal versions are made and out.

This seamstress can actually make real boots so we are gonna experiment and see what she can do with them just to see if we can pull the look off that way. ;)
Re: WGP's Classic Star Trek (WGP to make classic costumes)

Put me down for the whole set of heads and uniforms, please.

So the core bridge crew lineup will be Kirk, Spock, Bones, Scott, Uhura, Sulu, Chekov, Rand and Chapel, correct?
Anyone plans for aliens or special guest like Khan Noonien Singh?
How is your seamstress at Klingons, Romulans and Andorians?
Re: WGP's Classic Star Trek (WGP to make classic costumes)

Put me down for the whole set of heads and uniforms, please.

So the core bridge crew lineup will be Kirk, Spock, Bones, Scott, Uhura, Sulu, Chekov, Rand and Chapel, correct?
Anyone plans for aliens or special guest like Khan Noonien Singh?
How is your seamstress at Klingons, Romulans and Andorians?

Thanks gang!

Correct on the crew line-up. Once the main crew is done we'll make whomever there is enough interest in to fill out the rest of the Classic galaxy.

When we do Klingons/Andorians we'll do a few different heads at once to go along with the costumes we make, a few from the show then an original one for a trooper. :)
Re: WGP's Classic Star Trek (WGP to make classic costumes)

I really want to get some pics from people with McCoy examining Spock with Spocks pants pulled
down and McCoy examining the Neural parasite on his ass.

I've created a monster. :slap

Moving right along, I'm really looking forward to seeing (and buying) all this great stuff.
Re: WGP's Classic Star Trek (WGP to make classic costumes)

Wow, this lineup has me more excited than just about anything announced by HT or SSC! McCoy, Scotty, and Kirk look basically the same in the Mirror universe, and with "Mirror" Uhura, it's simply a matter of making sure she has the correct hairstyle, as she wore several throughout the series. Could probably get away with a regular Chekov with a serious expression, but "Mirror" Spock and Sulu are unique enough to warrant special sculpts. Marlena Moreau would also be the perfect sculpt to round out the "Mirror, Mirror" set!
Re: WGP's Classic Star Trek (WGP to make classic costumes)

Payment sent! Oh, and could you please add me to the list for Yeoman Rand, Phaser rifle, and Crew Costumes? Thanks!!
Re: WGP's Classic Star Trek (WGP to make classic costumes)

One more thing: I searched through the thread and didn't see if there was going to be a neck-less version of the Kirk headsculpt. Is there going to be one? If so, I'd like that model(again, wanting to use the new Hot Toys muscle bod). Thanks!
Re: WGP's Classic Star Trek (WGP to make classic costumes)

One more thing: I searched through the thread and didn't see if there was going to be a neck-less version of the Kirk headsculpt. Is there going to be one? If so, I'd like that model(again, wanting to use the new Hot Toys muscle bod). Thanks!

None of the Male Treks will be neckless unless they really need it, (like for a shirtless, drunken Sulu). Sorry!
Re: WGP's Classic Star Trek (WGP to make classic costumes)

Oh, that's alright! Just thought I'd ask; neck or no neck, I'd get this sculpt because of its sheer AWESOME-NESS. :)
Re: WGP's Classic Star Trek (WGP to make classic costumes)

So is there any update on when the Kirk heads may be shipping?
Re: WGP's Classic Star Trek (WGP to make classic costumes)

So is there any update on when the Kirk heads may be shipping?

I just got the 2 finished Kirk heads shipped to me for approval so you will know very shortly once I see them. :)

In other news, as a teaser I wanted to announce work has begun on the second WGP wave of Star Trek heads. :hi5: Who will it include? Time will reveal all!
Re: WGP's Classic Star Trek (wave 2 announced. WGP to make classic costumes)

Great news. I still vote Uhura and Sulu. Everybody does Spock and Bones after Kirk.
Re: WGP's Classic Star Trek (wave 2 announced. WGP to make classic costumes)

I vote for either Uhura, Sulu, Scotty or Chekov so we can complete the set of main characters. Once we have all these we can concentrate in variations.