What "5" LOTR PF's Do You Want?

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If we were going to get some armored Gondorians such as Boromir or King Ellesar what would be used for the metal brestplates and armor?
1) GTG
2) Moria Golin (armored)
3) ring wraith
4) Aragon
5) Witch king

what will we get.. "0"
1) LOVE the Armored Boromir idea
2) Arwen (any format would work...it is time for a female something)
3) Saruman (with arm reaching out over Palantir)
4) Glorfindel from GAME
5) Skully Orc

Gandalf the Grey
and then a toss up between fellowship Aragorn and Gimli
None, just make some LOTR 1:6 ers. :monkey5

:banghead screw the dollies! PF is the way to go!

Not that I dislike the 1/6, but I don't collect those from LOTR, but when people call for 1/6 in a PF thread Ijust have to throw a "doll" comment out there!
:banghead screw the dollies! PF is the way to go!

Not that I dislike the 1/6, but I don't collect those from LOTR, but when people call for 1/6 in a PF thread Ijust have to throw a "doll" comment out there!

Just my commenting on dunedain saying the same, calling for PFs in the "5" LOTR 12" thread. (We've got you guys beat btw, 6 to 3 ;)). I don't take the doll comment as negative at all. I know there is the view that the PFs are "classier" but they look like big dollies that can't can't move, take up a bunch more space and cost 3x as much IMO. :D Plus the actors' likenesses just aren't there for me. But different strokes as they say. Hopefully both lines will become more prolific and continue on for a long time.
With the PF line moving rather slowly, if you were in charge of product development at Sideshow, which would be your next "5" characters to put into production?...

There are two questions here, your post states what would I do if I were Sideshow and the title states what would I want. Two separate items I think.

In no particular order...

What I want:
- Fountain Guard or Boromir in Armor
- High Elven Warrior
- Rohan Royal Guardsman
- Moria Orc
- Armored Haldir

What I would release if I were Sideshow...
- Gandalf the Grey
- Aragorn
- Legolas (with Helms Deep Armor as exclusive)
- Saruman
- Arwen
I would love the following to be made... but then can't afford the money and space to buy them so then again I hope they get made after I graduate from school and start earning some income!

1) Prologue Elven Warrior (fully loaded with bow/arrows, spear, sword)
2) Gil-Galad (with spear)
3) King Elessar (in armour)
4) Coronation Arwen (see thru top)
5) Fountain/Citadel Guard (wings on helmet made of some form of media)
My TOP 5:

1. Gandalf the Grey
2. Armored King Theoden
3. Aragorn as Strider
4. Morgul Lord Witch King
4. Eomer

Top five for me:

  2. Aragorn (as Strider)
  3. Gimli
  4. Arwen Evenstar
  5. And, last but not least, TREEBEARD!! (complete with mixed media leaves and moss :D)

1. Aragorn
2. Morgul Lord Witch King
3. Galadriel
4. Ringwraith
5. Elven Warrior
Since I view the PFs to be a method to show off the costumes, I would want those pieces that highlighted that aspect (otherwise, I would be perfectly content with my SS/W statues). For me, the costuming I'd like to have in my display:

-Galadriel (standing in her Swan boat with full cloak to bid farewell to the Fellowship as they start on the Anduin)
-Arwen in her coronation dress and headgear
-Haldier or Elrond in elven armor - OR - Elrond in his Rivendell attire
-Eowyn in her simple white Rohan gown
There are two questions here, your post states what would I do if I were Sideshow and the title states what would I want. Two separate items I think.

Actually, my question was: "If YOU were the production manager at Sideshow, what 5 PF's would YOU want to release next?" I could not fit the entire question in the subject field so had to settle for the abbreviated one posted and then I asked my full question in the post itself. But basically, since you would be in charge, you call the shots. Hence, what would "you" want...

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Ok, after a week of collectors posting their 5 top choices for PFs, I have tabulated the results and to be honest, I was surprised by the large variation in characters submitted. There were several definite high vote getters, but there were also many diverse characters spread throughout.

So here are the unscientific results, showing the top vote getters:

1. Aragorn (as Strider) 15

2. Gandalf The Grey 10

3. Arwen 9

4. High Elven Warrior 8
Legolas 8

5. Saruman 7

6. Boromir 6
Gimli 6

To be honest, the main reason for this thread was that I was curious to see just how close Sideshow actually comes to what we, the collectors, are requesting. :cool:
You can add another vote for High Elven Warrior. This one just begs to be done in PF format and it's the piece I want from Sideshow more than any other. Shoot - I'd be happy if ANY of the current LoTR licensed companies made it!

My other 4 "wants" are:

Theoden or Eomer in armor
Arwen in Coronation Gown (what I really want is that headpiece).
Moria Orc (preferably swordsman)
Aragorn as Strider
-Armored Theoden
-Gandalf the White (I know he's coming though)