What are you eating...

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I'd have to agree with you. :)

Hey, what happened to #1BatmanFan? Haven't seen him around lately. Hope he didn't get bored with us. :lol

Nope...he loves the forum. But Shropt bullied him with some trumped up infraction for a make believe rule that I think he found in a forum in Equestria.


:lolI'm kidding. He has just been very, very busy lately. He is in Boy Scouts, Hip Hop Dance, Tae Kwon Do, and his class Band. He'll be around more during the summer.
*slaps DC*

Waiting on salmon......even from a filthy Steelers fan. :lol

LOL...when you see this pic...you will think it came from an advertisement...a really good advertisement.

In the meantime...I got a very unexpected treat today. One of the guys at the facility that I am inspecting at right now makes what is very likely to be the world's best baclava.

I have not had any of his baclava for about 7 years since I had him make it for my wedding.

Today, I was sent to his station (I thought to inspect some of his welding) and he had some it there for me. It made the whole day good.
^^ Damn son, that salmon looks perfectly done, flakey yet tender. :drool

Baklava is one of my favorite greek/south asian desserts. :lecture

I've been a salmon grilling beast since an associate at work gave me the tips I needed to do it right. This is the third one in four weekends. The first one was awesome, the second was better, but I am not sure that I can ever top this one. As you suspected...it was absolutely perfect.

I will be going at it again this weekend, though. Really is a joy to do when works correctly.