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Getting ready to grill some burgers and drink a Rogue Santa's Private Reserve Ale for the Patriots game.
Peanut butter on 100% whole wheat bread, coffee - black.

Yeah, that last part is a LIE. I hate black coffee. I have sugar and egg nog creamer in it.
Farrell's Ice Cream Parlor & Restaurant



Half a sugar and one milk is how i take my coffee, best way to have it IMO.
Spumonti ice cream. For those who have never heard of it,its a mixture of chocolate,pistachio and cherry nut ice creams. So good!
Half a sugar and one milk is how i take my coffee, best way to have it IMO.

Never got into adding sugar to my coffee. Sometimes I'll have a flavored creamer though. And some of the espresso drinks I have will include a flavor syrup. But for every day use, I just add cream or have it black (if it's really good coffee).