i still need to see Bee Movie. Right now, the only thing on my mind is Dark Knight Dark Knight Dark Knight Dark Knight Dark Knight.
Can't wait for The Dark Knight!!! Got my tickets for it and Hot Toys figures pre-orderedBut it won't stop me from seeing movies everyday
i watched Hellboy 2 the other day. Quite good!!!
You are getting all 5 Batman items too, right?
That one i won't get to see until Sep. 5th.It really sucks that two of the movies i've looking forward to the most, Wall-E (Aug. 29th) and Hellboy II (Sep. 5th), won't reach denmark for almost two months
There are even ocations where a movie hits theaters here and it's released on DVD in the US the week after:emperor
you know it!! all 5 items... and more if Hot toys releases them. i'm more psyched about this movie than ANY movie I have ever seen. more than Terminator 2, more than The Matrix, more than The Phantom Menace, more than Star Trek 2.
sucks about Wall-E and Hellboy 2... why the hell can't they just global release everything now?? it's so damn annoying...