Our dreams appear to lie upon similar paths, Josh. I too have had a passion for film my entire life, and was *this* close to enrolling at Full Sail (what jaw dropping facilities they have!) However I wasn't living in Florida at the time and instead attended the Portland Film Academy. I made a short non-graphic "horror" film for lack of a better word. Nothing too shocking, but "The Ring" had just hit theaters and I was really inspired by those jerky motion effects that that movie and others like it used to create extremely creepy looking motion in "ghost" like characters.
Sitting up in the school's lab at about 11:00 pm editing my own 8mm film with a hand splicer was one of the most thrilling things I've ever done. Just the realization that I was actually *making a film* was incredible. Then it was quite the rush showing it in class. I had a small network of filmmaking friends that I was all set to begin working with in Oregon when my wife and I decided that the Pacific Northwest wasn't for us. We moved to Florida April of last year and once we stabilize our lives with our new baby and everything its head first back into filmmaking.
Maybe you and I will have to talk again at some point.