What DC figures do you have on preorder?

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Dec 27, 2018
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Whadya currently got on preorder?

Currently for me it’s Hot Toys Cyborg, Soosoo Ozymandias, and Flashpoint Studio Knightmare Deathstroke.

Still hoping someone out there makes ZSJL Mera.

Once it goes up for preorder basically anything Snyderverse that InArt puts out.

As for other than DC: InArt Aragorn Premium Edition.
Whadya currently got on preorder?

Currently for me it’s Hot Toys Cyborg, Soosoo Ozymandias, and Flashpoint Studio Knightmare Deathstroke.

Still hoping someone out there makes ZSJL Mera.

Once it goes up for preorder basically anything Snyderverse that InArt puts out.

As for other than DC: InArt Aragorn Premium Edition.
Wonder Woman 1984
Black Adam
Black Manta (Mars Toys)
Deathstroke (Flash Point)
InArt Joker (sculpted hair)

Scarlet Witch (Wanda Vision)
Black Panther (Original Suit)
Green Goblin (Upgraded Suit)
Spiderman NWH (Final Suit)
Doctor Doom (S-Hero)
Valkyrie (Thunder Toys)

Yeeesh …seems like a lot when listed like this 😮
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Hot Toys:
Black Adam
King Shark
TDKR Catwoman
The Batman (with batcycle and signal)

Non Hot Toys
Robin/Jason Todd
Red Hood/Jason Todd
Leto Joker with silver jacket
King Shark

Waiting sor SooSoo to put up Black Manta. Looks like they have a Dr Fate in the works as well.
Only a few 1/6

InArt TDK Joker rooted 2 pack
InArt The Batman rooted
Mars Toys 66 Joker
Saturn Toys 66 Batman and Robin

I may cancel the 66 figures as I’m now not so sure I want to get into a new line. Only other DC item I have on PO is JND Cavill Superman

I do have a handful of other items on PO though between Star Wars, InArt LOTR, random one offs and customs.
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Hot Toys
Batman Begins
Wonder Woman 84

Joker rooted hair two pack
The Batman rooted hair single

Third party
Mars Toys 89 mob boss Joker
Mars Toys 66 Joker
Saturn Toys 66 Batman and Robin
Six Feet Lane Penguin

Lot's of other stuff I'm considering but not yet pulled the trigger on. King Shark, Peacemaker, Pattinson Bruce Wayne, Cyborg etc.

Had Peacemaker as well, but let it lapse after the FOMO faded. Great show though 🧜‍♀️
  1. InArt Joker (sculpted)
  2. InArt Batman (sculpted)
I'm strongly considering replacing InArt Joker with Hot Toys Bane (blasphemy, I know). I'd like both Joker and Bane, as well as Catwoman and Ra's al Ghul, but there can be only one to go with Batbale.
Not on order yet but will be ordering this week:

Premium Toys - Superman (The Savior)

Other than that likely waiting on whatever InArt do for the big DCU reboot in a few year. Maybe InArt's DCEU trinity if they look as good as Aragorn when they get revealed.
Hot Toys' The Batman and Peacemaker.

The only other 1/6 DC figures I'd even want right now are Vigilante, Catwoman ('22), and Shazam.
With the reboot I'm hoping they start things right this time, and we finally get ...

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None currently.

Might get the Revoltech Flash and Reverse Flash when they come out.

Still waiting for a decent comic classic Captain Marvel and Dr. Fate. Also the 1st appearance Maxima.

For Marvel I have multiples of Ronan the Accuser, plus Corsair, Fang (with Creee) (and some losers I am forced to buy for the Ch'od BAF) on preorder.