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Collector Freaks Forum

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I wondered what the whole story was.

It’ll be an honor to stay until they turn out the lights. Based on the constant panhandling, I suspect it won’t be too much longer.
Lights won't be going out.
I never even got the supposed promised sticker :lol

Send me a pm.

Me neither :lol
Wouldn't have used it anyway.

Why? The decals are awesome. Sometimes I slap a bunch on instead of clothes and go about my day. It's liberating. Well it would be if one sticker didn't cover certain areas, but completely covered others. I got nips like saucers.

A forum is a symbiotic relationship between members, staff, technology and policy. We've done our best to maintain the spirit. Many of the concerns expressed in this thread happened before I came on so there's nothing I can do about that, but if you ever feel things starting to slip send me a message. I think anyone who has dealt with me knows me to be reasonable and accommodating.

You guys make the community the greatest it can be, I'll keep things moving along in the back end. Works for me if it works for you.
I was gone out of the hobby completely for a little over a decade myself. Came back in late 2022 or so and, like you, everything was different. A lot of the old names were gone. Darklord Dave was gone. My accumulated SSC points were gone. The forum had a name change. Etc, etc. Was told DD sold the site and this forum disaffiliated with SSC in total. No more Chicky, no more SSC Susan, no more board contests, etc, etc. Spooktacular has changed. Many of the dealers from back then are now gone too.

As for supporting memberships, I did it for 2023 for a full year. I decided to opt out of 2024 based on what would happen with a commerce situation I saw that impacted the entire community. But as that resolved, I'm probably open to it again in 2025. There was a half off pricing on a Black Friday for the memberships in late 2022 IIRC. I don't know if that's a consistent thing. From a marketing standpoint, if there was a flat 99 dollar pricing for a lifetime supporting membership, at least once a year ( Again, probably a Black Friday thing) for legacy members ( i.e. been here longer than 10 years or 15 years, a clear participating member, actual accrued good trade feedback, etc) , then I think more people would do it. Given where the economy is heading and how hard many people are hit with inflation/cost of living, and it doesn't look like much relief in in sight, the current pricing might be too much of a push for many people. Instead of three people who give a hard absolute no at 250 lifetime respectively, you might get three people willing to do 99 lifetime a piece, etc, etc. (The mind just processes it differently once it's less than a hundred dollars IMHO) Put it this way, this Black Friday in 8 months or so, if I was offered 99 dollars flat for a lifetime membership, as a forum legacy that participates, I'd probably do it. But that's just me.

Something that I used to say back in the old days at OSW, and it was also said many times by the original site owner there, was that if you were unhappy with posts, topics, participation, culture, tone, etc, etc, that you were seeing, then the best option was to start creating thread topics and participating in a way and manner in which you'd like to see others post. I.E. don't tell others what to post or not post if they are posting within the rules, but set an example. If something ugly happened in the general discussion area and 20 people reacted by starting 5 thread topics each, well supported, on something good and/or interesting about the hobby, think about the total impact. 100 threads, devoted to simply what's best about this hobby. Because if you love the toys, nothing else matters.

I wasn't a prolific poster through volume in the old days. I'm not one now. But I'm supporting two larger thread topics, one in the Military section and one in the Film/TV section, with consistent updates. So it's not just me saying something to you about what folks should consider, and then be caught not doing it myself. I'm doing it now, so I feel comfortable saying it out loud, that everything is an opportunity. Things are what we make of them.

I started into 1/6th back in 1992 or so. I'm forever grateful that I got in the ground floor, that I got to be part of "The Golden Age" of 1/6th, got to see SSC when it was a much different and more fan friendly company, got a lot of product before the price explosions, got to go to major shows when that was simply more viable for folks, and got to meet and learn from a lot of really good people over the years. There are some great people in this hobby, that have enriched the entire experience, and I'll always be appreciative of that.

Every hobby has a "life cycle" What we all got here was much longer than most niche hobbies. I'd say we've got maybe a quarter left, with some clear aspects of a decline phase. There are fewer people, fewer surviving dealers and a lot of people are just out of space or priced out. Some are old enough now to have exited their prime earning years. Since I've been back, I've seen two names I do remember from the old days and also OSW pass away. I'm sure more have died in the decade I was gone. This last bit of mile can be whatever we make of it. I can't change the trajectory of how life cycles work. But I can support two long running thread topics with effort. That's my act of "faith" here. You can choose to do the same. If all the legacy folks did that, just kept up consistent support of two thread topics they started, the total forum impact IMHO would be staggering.

I remember your screen name from the old days. I wish you the best in and out of this hobby, no matter what you choose. Good luck.
Please be sure to create backups of your threads in case the forum goes down. I have seen so many platforms (blogs, forums, image hosts, social media sites etc) go "poof!" and disappear, taking all the content with them. We have lost so much, it is best to save anything we care about so we can preserve them for the future
Please be sure to create backups of your threads in case the forum goes down. I have seen so many platforms (blogs, forums, image hosts, social media sites etc) go "poof!" and disappear, taking all the content with them. We have lost so much, it is best to save anything we care about so we can preserve them for the future

Feel free, but it's not going down. The servers are in a hidden bunker that will survive the apocalypse. I keep rice and beans and my manga collection there so you know it's good.

As an older person I do often print internet pages but mostly meme stuff so I can take pictures of it and send it to my loved ones.

Look, anyone that has to say "trust me" is probably not worth trusting, but I'm here for the duration. Take that how you will.
Lots if negative Nemo's calling for death, wow.

I'm here, I like this place. Most fun (but negative which oddly makes it fun...?) forum I've ever been a part of.
Lots if negative Nemo's calling for death, wow.

I'm here, I like this place. Most fun (but negative which oddly makes it fun...?) forum I've ever been a part of.
I ain't being all doom and gloom, just realistic. Everything has a life cycle and I have seen far too many sites go the way of the dodo to become too complacent. It is always good practice to keep backups of whatever you like, if you can
I ain't being all doom and gloom, just realistic. Everything has a life cycle and I have seen far too many sites go the way of the dodo to become too complacent. It is always good practice to keep backups of whatever you like, if you can
We need you on the team when Thanos comes around and we need the backup plan.
My hard drive is 98% full of pron- I mean research, so can maybe save 5 or 6 threads. Rest is up to you fine folk


This is in my prawn collection.
I stumbled upon this thread today. I used to frequent the forum and then finally made an account in 2010. I saw all these cool (and weird) handles and the best I could come up with was taking the first letter of the thing I was into at that time (Batman Black & White Statue Fan). Lol! Good old days.

As English is not my first language, I was not able to write and participate much, but I loved reading the posts. The wit, sarcasm, articulation, and insults were par excellence! :lol Needless to say, I learnt a lot at that time (in a good way).

I got onto the HT IM bandwagon, and boy, were those some crazy times for IM fanboys! Especially when IM3 came out!

We had such talented people back then talking about how we could mod anything and everything. From HT TDK Batman, to Jack Sparrow's costume, to making IM helmet's faceplates and capes, to what not! My peak into customs was when I bought Kato's Joker costume and Rainman's Doc Holliday! Man! Exceptional work by some amazing people! So many awesome things; BetoMatali's Beetlejuice, the one among many! Such great memories...

And discussion on movies! You should have been there to witness how passions flared up! And Sandbox! My favourite place. There was even a thread where you shared screenshots of posts in which words like Bad Boy and Beauty were used to describe collectibles in different threads! Lol!

I wish DD had kept a back-up for the custom threads. They could have been reinstated after the break-up with SS. But then. guess everything happens for a reason. There were some lows in life and I sold more than 55 of my B&W statues at that time, along with everything else I had. I am more into SS PFs now, so I visit statueforum off and on, which I hardly did back in the day.

I hope this place gets back to what it used to be.

P.S.: How does one get rid of these obnoxious Ads. Will getting the membership Yoda's been asking about, help?
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P.S.: How does one get rid of these obnoxious Ads. Will getting the membership Yoda's been asking about, help?

If you go into your account 'Preferences' there's an option to disable advertising.

Advertising options
  • Disable advertising This option allows you to prevent ads from appearing.
You could still upgrade. That would be super cool, but it is not a prerequisite for turning off ads.

Let me know if you have any other questions.
Please be sure to create backups of your threads in case the forum goes down. I have seen so many platforms (blogs, forums, image hosts, social media sites etc) go "poof!" and disappear, taking all the content with them. We have lost so much, it is best to save anything we care about so we can preserve them for the future
Is there an easy way to save threads? Mainly my own however there's a few others that would be worth keeping.
Is there an easy way to save threads? Mainly my own however there's a few others that would be worth keeping.
Save complete webpage, copy paste to doc, screenshot etc. Those were what I used to do. There may be more dedicated tools available now but haven't researched yet what they may be.

Easiest of the above mentioned is to save complete webpage, usually most browsers on pc have the option.
Save complete webpage, copy paste to doc, screenshot etc. Those were what I used to do. There may be more dedicated tools available now but haven't researched yet what they may be.

Easiest of the above mentioned is to save complete webpage, usually most browsers on pc have the option.
Thanks. Will save complete webpage only save a single page from the thread or the whole thread?