RoboDad said:
Actually, that is one that I probably wouldn't buy. That is one area where the movie departed too far from the book for my taste, so I don't really have any desire to see it represented in sculpted form.
Then how about these diorama possibilities:
-Frodo setting out on his journey with Sam
and Pippin
-Farmer Maggot taking the hobbits to Buckleberry Ferry in his cart (no Nazgul chase)
-Frodo singing in the Prancing Pony (not Pippin)
-Strider carrying the shards of Narsil with him (both of the
two pieces)
-Frodo trying to stab the Black Rider at Weathertop
-Frodo riding Asfaloth alone and confronting the Nazgul at the Bruinen all by himself
-Bilbo present at the Council of Elrond and offering to be the Ringbearer
-Boromir respectfully telling Aragorn that his return would be welcomed in Gondor
-Narsil being reforged before the Fellowship leave Rivendell
-Only Sam and Aragorn awake to see the crebain, since the Fellowship originally set out and have since continued to travel only at night
-Gandalf being the one who wants to take the Fellowship through Moria
-Glamdring glowing in the presence of orcs
-The warg attack on the way to Moria
-Boromir throwing the rock that disturbs the Watcher in the Water
-Gandalf's staff providing the only light in Moria (no torch for Aragorn)
-Pippin dropping nothing but a single stone down the well with no apparent response
-Gandalf's staff breaking during the Balrog confrontation
-Sam breathing so loudly that the Elves of Lorien claim that they could have shot him in the dark
-Boromir not quaking under the gaze of Galadriel
-Both Sam and Frodo looking into the Mirror of Galadriel
-Aragorn not objecting to the idea of taking the Ring to Gondor.
-Aragorn not finding Frodo at Amon Hen (since he had already fled to the river) then hearing Boromir's horn and arriving after the battle is already over
-Merry and Pippin entering Fangorn with no pursuit
-Treebeard realizing that Saruman is a threat and calling the Entmoot so he can convince the other Ents to go to war, which happens relatively quickly
-Gimli riding on Shadowfax with Gandalf, not with Legolas on Arod
-Theoden standing and speaking a great deal when Gandalf arrives at Meduseld
-The women and children of Rohan being sent to Dunharrow, willingly led by Eowyn with no complaint
-Theoden leading the Rohirrim to an open confrontation with Saruman at the Fords of Isen, and only falling back to Helm's Deep after the fact
-Eomer present and fighting at Helm's Deep, sneaking out together with Aragorn through the secret door to drive the Orcs from the gate
-Theoden (not Aragorn) suggesting the ride out to meet the enemy
-Theoden's mounted remnant successfully driving the Orcs away from Helm's Deep, and Erkenbrand (not Eomer) arriving with Gandalf after the enemy is already scattered and dismayed
-Wormtongue throwing the palantir at Gandalf following Saruman's confrontation from a window above the door (not up on the roof) of Orthanc
-Aragorn revealing himself to Sauron through the Palantir before departing Rohan
-Sam finding Frodo in the Dead Marshes standing around with filth on his arms (not rescued by Gollum)
-Frodo, Sam and Gollum observing the Black Gate from down in a hollow, and Gollum's advice not to attempt passage being accepted without incident
-Faramir, not even wanting to see the ring or pick it up if found on the side of the road, asking the hobbits where they want to go and releasing them freely
-Sam and Frodo entering Shelob's Lair together
-Frodo bouncing off the webs of Shelob
-Gandalf and Pippin seeing the beacons of Gondor already burning as they ride to Minas Tirith
-The evacuation of the women and children from Minas Tirith long before the siege and battle
-Elrond's son Elrohir encouraging Aragorn to seek the Paths of the Dead
-Denethor sending Faramir to Osgiliath to
bolster the
existing defenses (not to recapture it)
-The Nazgul being careful not to fly the Fell Beasts too close to the city, where they would be within range of the Gondorian archers
-The Witch King being the only enemy to enter Minas Tirith, due to the arrival of Rohan immediately after the gate is breached
-The horses of the Rohirrim refusing to approach or engage the Mumakil
-With the Army of the Dead already dismissed, Aragorn arriving at the Battle of the Pelennor Fields with an army consisting of soldiers and freed slaves from throughout Southern Gondor, along with a large group of Rangers from the North that accompanied him through the Paths of the Dead (along with Elrond's sons)
-Denethor burning to death on the pyre (not jumping to his death) after
Gandalf jumps up and removes Faramir
-Merry remaining behind when Aragorn leads the army to the Morannon
-The Mouth of Sauron riding back to the Black Gate, leaving Aragorn no time for a speech before the enemy comes streaming out for battle
-Gollum dancing in triumph and ultimately falling over the edge with no interference from Frodo
-Aragorn's coronation before the gates of Minas Tirith (due to his having refused to enter Minas Tirith until after being crowned king)
-The Scouring of the Shire and the deaths of Saruman and Wormtongue in Hobbiton