-Watchmen (read the novel this weekend and that combined with the amazing trailers has me sold 100% on this; bring on March!)
-Transformers 2 (kinda obligatory since I'm a fanboy, but some of the things I've heard has me worried and the first one was entertaining but not great)
-Terminator Salvation (could it be? A good Terminator movie, that will be it's own thing instead of a VERY poor retread like T3?)
-The Wolf Man (looks like quite an interesting horror movie, with the perfect mix of old and new elements)
-Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince (previous movies have left me cold, but this was my favorite book of the entire series, so I'm hopefull that the movie will be good)
-Star Trek (would be higher if not for the dubious things I heard)
-Dragonball Evolutions and GI Joe (both simply to enjoy ripping into, muwahaha)