What if Indy dies?

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In fact, I think they'd be more willing to accept another actor in the role (ala James Bond) than accepting a new character like Mutt.

Here I really disagree. I think one of the failures of Young Indiana Jones (and there are several) is that audiences didn't accept anyone else in the role. Even River Phoenix is hard to accept in TLC. There's never even been an animated series (although I'd love one) because the role is so identified with Ford.

If Mutt is given his own film, it'll be a new franchise. It won't be Indiana Jones at all.
Here I really disagree. I think one of the failures of Young Indiana Jones (and there are several) is that audiences didn't accept anyone else in the role. Even River Phoenix is hard to accept in TLC. There's never even been an animated series (although I'd love one) because the role is so identified with Ford.

If Mutt is given his own film, it'll be a new franchise. It won't be Indiana Jones at all.

If no Ford then why even waste the film!:D
Here I really disagree. I think one of the failures of Young Indiana Jones (and there are several) is that audiences didn't accept anyone else in the role. Even River Phoenix is hard to accept in TLC. There's never even been an animated series (although I'd love one) because the role is so identified with Ford.

If Mutt is given his own film, it'll be a new franchise. It won't be Indiana Jones at all.

I can't agree on Young Indy. I think fans would have ate it up (and were very much prepared to do so when it came out) had it been more like Indy and less like a rather dry history lesson.

Lots of people, including hard core fans, have said this movie will fail because Ford is simply too old. So what that says is Indy can't be Indy unless he's Ford AND he's between the ages of 35 and 45. I ain't buying it. I do think it would be tremendously difficult for them to find the right person to do it, and they couldn't do it any time soon after KOTCS. But I think it's doable.

Mutt however...that's a different story. He's not his own character in the sense that he will forever be part of the Indiana Jones universe. Brendan Fraser's character in the Mummy films is very much a Indy rip off, but he's still his own character. But Mutt will forever be directly in Indy's shadow, always compared to his da...uh, Indy. It's going to be definitely tough.
Michael Crawford said:
...Lots of people, including hard core fans, have said this movie will fail because Ford is simply too old. So what that says is Indy can't be Indy unless he's Ford AND he's between the ages of 35 and 45. I ain't buying it...

I don't buy it either, but not because I think re-casting the role is doable. I simply think those 'hard core fans' are wrong about this movie failing based on Ford's age.

I think placing another actor in the role would inevitably result in massive failure, no way that would be more accepted than continuing the franchise with a new character (in my humble opinion). It's not even remotely comparable to James Bond in my mind. Connery was Bond for less than 10 years before they swapped him out for another actor (and even then, the character wasn't even close to the iconic status that Indy has reached).

I honestly don't think it's been precedented, not as an accurate comparison anyway. One could almost compare the situation to replacing Christopher Reeve as Superman on the big screen, but that's also an inaccurate comparison for many reasons.

To the original point though, I don't think I'd like it if they killed him off, unless it was done REALLY well. Like how they killed Frodo off, lol. As opposed to say, Ripley, who's death really pissed me off. :)

I don't mind the idea of continuing stories with a new character, although I seeeeeriously don't think Shia has any potential to carry a franchise (let alone a single film) as a leading man. :huh
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I think there's one way for Mutt to become "his own character" as you put it Michael and thats for him to actually split before the end of the film.

If he's a cool character and then leaves half way through the film to go on his own adventure, then I can see a spin off working.

But if they try to "hand the torch off" at the end of the film then I think Mutt is doomed to be an Indy wannabe.
What if Indy drops a Cleveland Steamer on Spalko's chest?

(That's more likely than ever seeing him die onscreen)
Why kill off Indy? There's really no reason, like killing Captain Kirk off. No reason at all for that and the way he died was even worse. Some things just need to be left alone.
I honestly don't think it's been precedented, not as an accurate comparison anyway. One could almost compare the situation to replacing Christopher Reeve as Superman on the big screen, but that's also an inaccurate comparison for many reasons.

I don't think either scenario has a precedent. Other characters being played by multiple people abound, but those characters were always more generic - Ford and Indy were more or less created at the same time. Yea, he has success as Han, but it was really Indy that made him a star, and he's never done anything since as iconic.

There is one situation that's almost identical though, but we haven't seen the result yet - Captain Kirk. Again you have an actor and a character that are pretty much completely identified with each other, and next year we'll see them try to replace that actor. We'll see how that goes.

The other scenario - Mutt taking over for Indy in his own franchise - is also unprecedented, as far as I can remember. Can anyone think of an example where an iconic character (Hell, any character) passes the torch to another character to take over the lead?
In a sense it was done with the prequel SWs as a whole from the OT to the PT but also I feel like Liam dominated TPM and sorta handed over the torch to Ewan for AOTC and ROTS.

Also most definately Godfather I to Godfather II regarding Brando passing it to Al Pacino.
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I don't think either scenario has a precedent. Other characters being played by multiple people abound, but those characters were always more generic - Ford and Indy were more or less created at the same time. Yea, he has success as Han, but it was really Indy that made him a star, and he's never done anything since as iconic.

There is one situation that's almost identical though, but we haven't seen the result yet - Captain Kirk. Again you have an actor and a character that are pretty much completely identified with each other, and next year we'll see them try to replace that actor. We'll see how that goes.

The other scenario - Mutt taking over for Indy in his own franchise - is also unprecedented, as far as I can remember. Can anyone think of an example where an iconic character (Hell, any character) passes the torch to another character to take over the lead?

Same movie: Star Trek: Generations. I'm also reminded of Roberto Begnini in Son of the Pink Panther but thatw as made after Peter Sellers' death.
There is one situation that's almost identical though, but we haven't seen the result yet - Captain Kirk. Again you have an actor and a character that are pretty much completely identified with each other, and next year we'll see them try to replace that actor. We'll see how that goes...

Except that comparison suffers the same problems as the Superman one I mentioned... The new TREK film will more or less be a 'reboot' or 'reinvention', rather than the continuing stories of an aging Kirk. But you're right, I don't really think either situation is precedented. I just think that between the 2 options, audiences would swallow the new-character pill much easier than a new actor as Indy.

If recasting is in the cards, they could always go back to their first choice for Indy. I don't think Tom Selleck is doing much these days, and he still looks great despite his age! :)

edit: Just thought of an example of a franchise where one iconic character 'passes the torch' to a new character and/or actor... It's happened a few times within the Terminator franchise, and looks like it will happen again with Terminator 4. That's not to say it's necessarily been a success, but it does speak to the issue of precedent.

edit 2: Sitting here staring at my Sideshow figures I just thought of another instance of interesting actor-swapping within a franchise: Frankenstein. :frank
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The other scenario - Mutt taking over for Indy in his own franchise - is also unprecedented, as far as I can remember. Can anyone think of an example where an iconic character (Hell, any character) passes the torch to another character to take over the lead?

There wasn't really an actual torch passing, but this series continued without its main character:

I've been pondering this lately. Odds are awfully good that this is our last true Indy film. While I think Ford can pull it off this time, he's not coming back in a couple years or more to do another. Clearly, Lucas is hoping Mutt takes off, and they can continue the series using him. In fact, I'd be mighty surprised if a second film with Shia wasn't already being planned.

But how do you have Indy exit gracefully? Should he simply hang up the whip and settle down with Marion, or would you prefer a more heroic end?

It's a tough call. I think that done right, the death of Indy could be one of the greatest moments in film history. But the key here is 'done right'. Anything cheesy (and it would be so, so hard for them not to do it cheesy) would ruin it. Let's face it, Lucas did everything he could to ruin the once ultimate villain, Vader, I'm not sure I want to see what he and Speilberg would do to the ultimate hero, Indy, in a dramatic ending.

What do you think?

Ford has already stated he is ready to do another Indy film if offered the opportunity.
Sitting here staring at my Sideshow figures I just thought of another instance of interesting actor-swapping within a franchise: Frankenstein. :frank

Good example but I consider Frankenstein to be like Superman or James Bond. It's adapted from another source so it's easier to recast. Before Harrison Ford Indiana Jones did not EXIST in any sense.
Lots of people, including hard core fans, have said this movie will fail because Ford is simply too old. So what that says is Indy can't be Indy unless he's Ford AND he's between the ages of 35 and 45. I ain't buying it. I do think it would be tremendously difficult for them to find the right person to do it, and they couldn't do it any time soon after KOTCS. But I think it's doable.

One thing I read in the EW article was Ford saying that someone needs to remind Indy Fans they're older too. Indy is Indy and can do whatever. I find it absurd at best to say this movie will fail just because he's older. I for one am thinking we're all gonna be extremely happy with this Indy flick.

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