Premium Format What Star Wars Character would you like to have in 1/4 scale (PF) ??

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You never know. She could be announced as a character in Rebels or the new novels any day now, and since SS has teased her already, we could get lucky. But you're probably right. It will be the new Vader or Fett.
Doubt rebels (but you never know), but you're right. As popular as she is she definitely could be a character in the new movie too.

Sent from the Cack Pit of the Millenium Falcon
Could also be Jango Fett, or even a new PF from the previously announced McQuarrie line... What else has been teased or previewed that we still haven't seen yet?
They put up the 1/6th scout trooper and bike previews. Alex said there'd be one more and hopefully that's it. Now to wait for SDCC and the next couple of days of reveals

Sent from the Cack Pit of the Millenium Falcon
Being as Disney/Lucasfilm want focus on ROTJ, who knows - maybe!?!

I'd love to have the Emperor in a standing position. Maybe not exactly like this, but there's potential there:

Gotta be honest. I'm kind of over these older PF's. Haha. I've seen nothing but all these episode 4-6 figures and statues since I was a kid. I'm ready for the new characters.

Ps: this isn't me saying the original trilogy sucks, I'm just more excited for the new stuff to come. So many possibilities!
Now that the Kenobi LSF has dropped, I have to say I am quite disappointed in the quarter scale SS has shown for this event.
Disappointed as well. Seems like Court of the Dead is getting all kinds of love, while 1/4 Star Wars has been shut out completely!
Disappointed as well. Seems like Court of the Dead is getting all kinds of love, while 1/4 Star Wars has been shut out completely!

Sideshow does love its horror... Plus original characters, so no license fees.

I'd also like to see Ahsoka, as well as a normal Shaak Ti and Hoth Leia. Mara Jade, too, but... sigh. At least I have her saber.
They better have something. :mad:

I think a few of the Sideshow PF's might be revealed the day of SDCC, and not previewed, like how Cody PF wasn't previewed at all before SDCC started and was just sort of there, sadly he was the best SW piece at SDCC for SIdeshow last year, but it sounds like we will be seeing at least the next 18 months worth of Star Wars Figures and statues this year. Assuming we are going to see the Vader and Fett PF, we will be seing.
1.Obi Wan LSF
2.Phase 2 Rex
3. ARC Echo and Fives
4. Bomb Squad Trooper
5. Jango Fett
6. Scout Trooper/Speeder Bike
7. Boba PF
8.Vader PF
9. Red Five Luke
10. Hoth Han
11.Hoth Luke.

Compared to last year when we get
1. Mythos Line
2. Jango Bust.
3. Proto-Fett
4. Grevious
5. Deluxe Clones
6. Cody PF