What Star WarsDio would you like to see?

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Sidious and Maul meeting on Coruscant from TPM. They can call it "Dark Meeting."

Heck, if they do that, they might as well do one of Luke and Leia smooching and call it the same thing:

"Dark Meeting"
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The holochess board has been done in 1/6 but.. I think it would make for a cool diarama. Having Chewie laid back smiling with his arms behind his head. Maybe a light up feature on R2 or the table itself. They could even add C3PO for good measure. :chew
Bounty Hunters line up would be SWEET!!
Vader and Luke over the cloud City shaft where he tells Luke he is his father.
Jabba scenes...almost any

Where Vader just killed the Admiral and Captain Piett is looking nervous as he gets promoted (now that I think of it, they were on screen so it would be hard to do it)

First meeting with Han chewie Luke and Ben in the cantina scene

Leia in slave outfit killing Jabba with chain
fight over sarlac (sp?) pit on skiff

man I can think up many more.
i would like the scene where vader first has his new outfit and is being lifted up by that mechanical device and palpatine is looking over him ... its the first appearance of vader and it would be a doozy :D