Magneto PF
- Mark V maquette (preferably 1:2)
- Cable PF/comiquette
- Skaar PF/comiquette
- Hulk (PH) PF/comiquette
- Hawkeye PF
- Extremis Iron Man comiquette
- Iron Patriot comiquette
- Any Jim Lee X-Men PF
All good and although Hulk already has a classic PF I would totally be down for a PH HULK PF. Captain you should check out the other post where one guy is customizing his Hulk comiquette to be PH style Hulk. It's pretty rad.
whats all this talk about deadpool pf? is it being made or talks about getting made?! WHOO HOO!!
Nothings official...BUT I have to believe at some point in time it's going to be a must for SS. I can tell you right now as long as they don't fumble the pose, it'll sell out fast.
I'd settle for a glimpse of a fully painted Rogue PF on display, personally. Hopefully then we can see how big she actually is as her stats on the site are still (presumably) wrong.
We might also get some, ahem, rear views of her that we've all been waiting for, too.
Of the confirmed works in progress (that have yet to be revealed) I'd like to see the Iceman and Iron Patriot comiquettes.
Agreed on all accounts...