Well, I'll chime in now, having given a bit o' thought to the matter.
I'll sell (am selling in fact) an existing item in my collection, to trade-up
to another item that is new, that I will like better. Simple as that!
I just sold my 1:6th naked Lurtz Statue, and it'll just about totally
pay for my Lurtz Premium Format Figure - Sideshow Exclusive.
I liked the other Lurtz, but the new one now totally blows it away.
(Question: Does ANYBODY really prefer Nude Lurtz to PF Armored Lurtz?)
I just sold my Gimli Statue to almost fully pay for Kong vs. V-Rex.
No Way in Hell that isn't a trade up to me. Kong is now an absolute
centerpiece statue in my collection. Gimli was good, but not that good.
Same with my original Balrog. I've had it for a long time now, but I'll be
getting a bigger, better, one at some point, so I'll be selling my Sideshow
Balrog to fund that upgrade. Again, a trade-up to a better item for me.
I sold my Gondorian Helms to just about cover the Sentinel Diorama.
I liked the helms, (well, really only the fountain guard helm truth be told)
but I'm first and foremost always going to be a statue collector.
I include in that 1/4 scale PF figures. Statues will always take
precidence for me over helms or busts. Just my preference.
LOTR is still the core of my collection, but there are MANY other companies,
lines, statues, figures, and busts out there that I'm interested in, and to
get them all will require some trimming of my lesser-loved statues.
Tastes change and evolve over time, as new things come out that are
bigger and better than ever before. Sideshow and every other collectibles
company keep raising the bar on what they release, and it continues to
make me want items from many different lines - Marvel, LOTR PF, Star Wars
PF, 12" Star Wars & LOTR, and many others....
Some of the great companies that I have statues from:
DC Direct
CS Moore
Gentle Giant
With that many companies putting out amazing items, somethings
gotta give to accomodate all the new things, and that is some of
the older, lesser loved things in my collection.