What's the deal with sketch cards?

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Super Freak
Jun 19, 2007
Reaction score
Down in a Hole
I was just browsing on eBay and I saw a Mark Brooks Indiana Jones sketch card that sold for nearly $600, multiple bids. I've seen the same at cons, sketch cards going for hundreds of dollars.

In case anyone doesn't know, this is artwork on card stock the size of a baseball card.

Just another fad, or will these cards retain their value?

Do you collect these and why are some so expensive?

This is what I'm talking about:
I may be wrong but my impression with sketch cards is that they are the "chase" cards that card collectors try to get. Each one is probably hand drawn and inked by the artist. in other words, each individual sketch card is considered original art just like getting a commissioned sketch from the artist at a con.
Sketch cards are huge.

They have been around for some time. Starting as chase cards and growing to the mass market.

For the chase cards, they have retained value for years. They are 1:1 pieces and rare indeed. Dependent upon the artist or design the price will vary.

But also there is an entire other side of the artist culture that revolves around sketch cards.

Many collect them for the reason that they are each unique, 1:1 pieces that are easily stored, carried and displayed.
I collected sketch cards for a bit, but only ones that I commissioned directly from the artists. They're a relatively affordable way to get original art, so they can be fun. But the strange thing to me is that many collectors will pay out the nose for an "official" sketch that was in one of the Topps series (for example), even though you can often go direct to the same artist and get them to draw exactly what you want for much less. Doesn't make sense to me.
Agreed... Not sure what the deal is.

You can even get some return cards from the artist for less that they bring if they are pulled from a pack.
I also love collecting sketch cards because it is an easy way to get some awesome 1:1 art. Like others I usually just commission them now instead of tracking down official ones I like unless I can get a great deal. You can usually find some bigger name artists on scoundrel art forums doing commissions. Just wait until they have a sale and you can score some awesome art for cheap.
I had about five grand sunk into the Indy ones myself. They are very addictive on top of being official one of kind pieces.
Well Official set stuff is always expensive versus PSC (Personal Sketch Cards). They are original art regardless of its size. Plus if you think about it, its much easier to collect and storage. The sketch card community is gaining popularity and I dont think the cards will lose value.

Plus Mark Brooks is a great artist so no wonder the card went for so much.
i think the skecth cards are a little more affordable piece to purchase from an artist than shelling out say 200 or more on a art piece or a commission

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