I have tried to keep an open mind and been very patient with OSB. However, despite protests that a lot of things are out of Wai Man's hands - good communication and honesty with customers has never been amongst those. If things were going pear-shaped, the decent thing to do would have been to give it a bit of time to try and correct things and if that wasn't working, be honest and stop taking people's money. I emailed him early on to say that I was a bit worried about my pre-orders and got a reply to say that they were taking steps to rectify things. My " 100% guarantee of shipping" (OSB's words not mine) for iron men figures turned into 0% showing up. Despite emails politely asking for an update, nothing. At this moment in time, I am several hundred down with nothing to show for my hard earned cash. You may feel some loyalty based on past business but as a customer who trusted that previous reputation and seen nothing in return - he is a thief, pure and simple.