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I have recieved word that the Amazing Spiderman 2 which i pre-ordred when it was first put up on their website in 24th April 2014, and i knwthat there has been a delay due to the Quality Control issues, but have also seen a youtube, which was posted by an optical20 where he contacted hot toys direct who stated that the first batch has been and gone and now their shipping batch 2 of this figure . that post was posted on youtube 2nd April this year, when OSB stated that they were having QC issues with this figure, which leads me to believe that their supply is rather slow at gettig the latest batch. I do sympathsie to a point and there does seem alot of people on facebook hat post comments with a sould purpose to stir thngs up for example one person the other day threatened them with bbc Watchdog, that post was deleted by Mazzik before alot of people saw it. Those kinds of comments are just unhelpful and just create more animosity, on the other had the bigger picture here is that alot of people can remember what happened to mothersbasement last year, you only have to go on the forum "mothersbasement has my money" to find a similar pattern , in which money was still taken for preorders, and assurances were given as regard to shipping etc, all the time they were getting further and further in debt. I am catergorically saying that i am NOT saying in anyway shape or form that OSB are guilty of sordid goings on whatsoever, but what i am saying is that personal circumstances aside , OSB should consider that the reason why alot of people on facebook and indeed in this forum remeber what happened and the shear panic and tragically mistrust that has been created in the collecting community because of these events of last year, and its sad because i for one would rather support concern like OSB rather than say forbiddenplanet, mainly because OSB are also collectors themselves rather than a big organisation that are basically in it just to make money. However there have also been comments that have been drawn to my attention where customers of OSB have recieved goods ordered and been asked not to say anything to others, which ...if true that is also not the way to do things either
So since the new guy started at osb i decided to give them another chance, so got the batman returns. Problem is theres no record of my order when i log in, anyone else have this issue? (btw have the email order and paypal record at least :) phew
I received the Winter Soldier just three months after Hong Kong release from OSB but am still waiting on the stealth/steve rogers two pack. Whats the most recent figure anyone has received from OSB?
Same here - I Have Winter Soldier. Still waiting for all the others - twin pack included. Armoury should've been here months ago too.
Baby Groot is the newest we've had.

OSB are still sending out figures on a regular basis, it is just the HT preorders they are having the issues with.

Comparisons to MB don't stand up in my opinion and I was one of the guys ripped off by them and part of that group on facebook (andrew is a top guy btw).

OSB have acknowledged the delays in getting the items in. They are also giving full refunds to those unhappy with the delays (I know people are trying and trying but in fairness Mazz has a tonne of emails to sift through in addition to facebook and twitter comments etc.)

MB never had the items in stock or had any intention of getting the items in. I spoke to them twice by telephone to be told they were looking at my item in the warehouse but it was in a queue of shipments with earlier orders to satisfy first. None of this turned out to be true of course.

People are unhappy and they are taking money out of OSB via refund. That is fair. The facebook scaremongering etc regarding the status of their business isn't.

I'm a small businessman. I know only too well that the quickest way to see a business closed is to create public rumours that it is in trouble. Even if a business is thriving, negative word of mouth will cut off it's customers and it's cash flow and kill it.

I know people are concerned for their money etc but it is unfair to destroy people's livelihoods because you are unhappy with the service. All of the negative conjecture and word of mouth does nothing but hurt OSB and other collectors.

There seems to be a great degree of spite or wanting to be able to say "I told you so". I don't get this. Mother's Basement stole from us and had no intention of delivering, instead offering verbal abuse as customer service. OSB with Mazz onboard are trying to make it work. I'll get flack for supporting Wai Man and Maggie I know but I like them, I want to see them get out of this and I of course want my figures at the great prices they offer.

I wish others would get behind them and support them instead of tearing them down.

Sad days.
To be fair, I seem to remember that OSB used to ridicule Mother's Basement on their Facebook page when they were getting orders out late (before all the serious stuff kicked off), so they can't really complain about people doing it to them.

It's fair to be concerned and you've posted several times to say that you aren't and you don't think anyone else should be. Others don't share your trust in them.

I read a post on their facebook page today that was from someone who had his Batman & Robin figures from them just delivered and said he was now happy to trust them again and has put new orders in. If I'd had a figure arrive a year after I was told to pay for it I'd be thanking my lucky stars and staying well away from them in future but each to their own.

Nobody know how this is all going to end up, but I don't think you can tell people what to write or feel. The Mother's Basement comparison is fair as it's practically the same situation (albeit figures are now finally arriving).
To be fair, I seem to remember that OSB used to ridicule Mother's Basement on their Facebook page when they were getting orders out late (before all the serious stuff kicked off), so they can't really complain about people doing it to them.

It's fair to be concerned and you've posted several times to say that you aren't and you don't think anyone else should be. Others don't share your trust in them.

I read a post on their facebook page today that was from someone who had his Batman & Robin figures from them just delivered and said he was now happy to trust them again and has put new orders in. If I'd had a figure arrive a year after I was told to pay for it I'd be thanking my lucky stars and staying well away from them in future but each to their own.

Nobody know how this is all going to end up, but I don't think you can tell people what to write or feel. The Mother's Basement comparison is fair as it's practically the same situation (albeit figures are now finally arriving).

The difference between MB and OSB is enormous, MB were con artists committing fraud who were NOT even attempting to obtain stock to fulfil orders placed.

The reason OSB used to post negative things regarding MB is partly because MB was attempting to contact all the UK retailers to price fix, and couldn't stand the fact that OSB were grey importers and so tried to make customer believe OSB were breaking UK law (they aren't) probably as a smoke screen to take people's eyes off of their own dodgy practices.
I wish others would get behind them and support them instead of tearing them down.

Sad days.

If this was a new company you'd never dealt with before and you paid them for a figure they said would be out in two weeks and they sent it to you a year later while ignoring all your emails you would be on here warning people never to use them.

It's only because you've had a good service in the past that makes you trust them in the future. Why should everyone else get behind them when their current service is appalling.
The difference between MB and OSB is enormous, MB were con artists committing fraud who were NOT even attempting to obtain stock to fulfil orders placed.

Yes, we all know that now. But before this, when i personally warned everyone not to use them because I could see it happening, they were asking for money for orders they were about to ship and then not shipping them and they were deleting facebook posts and they were ignoring emails.

That's exactly what OSB are doing now so it is a fair comparison. i'm not comparing them with the company that committed fraud, I'm comparing the situation with them which was around before any of that happened.
Yes, we all know that now. But before this, when i personally warned everyone not to use them because I could see it happening, they were asking for money for orders they were about to ship and then not shipping them and they were deleting facebook posts and they were ignoring emails.

That's exactly what OSB are doing now so it is a fair comparison. i'm not comparing them with the company that committed fraud, I'm comparing the situation with them which was around before any of that happened.

Plenty of companies delete negative Facebook posts, and plenty of companies don't do well at answering their emails. (As I've stated a number of times, I've never had an email go unanswered from OSB)

OSB are attempting to improve the email situation and people are now getting responses and are receiving refunds.

The only similarity with MB is that people are waiting for stock, the difference is OSB are in the hands of other suppliers rather than a main distributor, whereas MB were simply not paying for / not placing orders with Amerang the main UK distributor.

(The only time I dealt with MB they lied via email, attempted to go against DSR's and tried to persuade me to deal via phone (so that there would be no paper trail of my request - this was one of their common scam tactics). I did plenty of warning people too at the time.)
Okay, maybe get behind them is the wrong statement.

The assumptions being made are simply that assumptions and some are borderline libellous. The only people knowing what is truly going on at OSB is WaiMan, Maggie and now Mazzik.

I'm prepared to wait for my figures, I've made that clear on here plenty of times.

If things go sour and OSB go bust due to negative word of mouth and libellous statements from whining fanboys and I lose money I've paid for figures etc, I certainly won't be blaming Wai Man and Maggie for it.
Baby Groot is the newest we've had.

OSB are still sending out figures on a regular basis, it is just the HT preorders they are having the issues with.

Comparisons to MB don't stand up in my opinion and I was one of the guys ripped off by them and part of that group on facebook (andrew is a top guy btw).

OSB have acknowledged the delays in getting the items in. They are also giving full refunds to those unhappy with the delays (I know people are trying and trying but in fairness Mazz has a tonne of emails to sift through in addition to facebook and twitter comments etc.)

MB never had the items in stock or had any intention of getting the items in. I spoke to them twice by telephone to be told they were looking at my item in the warehouse but it was in a queue of shipments with earlier orders to satisfy first. None of this turned out to be true of course.

People are unhappy and they are taking money out of OSB via refund. That is fair. The facebook scaremongering etc regarding the status of their business isn't.

I'm a small businessman. I know only too well that the quickest way to see a business closed is to create public rumours that it is in trouble. Even if a business is thriving, negative word of mouth will cut off it's customers and it's cash flow and kill it.

I know people are concerned for their money etc but it is unfair to destroy people's livelihoods because you are unhappy with the service. All of the negative conjecture and word of mouth does nothing but hurt OSB and other collectors.

There seems to be a great degree of spite or wanting to be able to say "I told you so". I don't get this. Mother's Basement stole from us and had no intention of delivering, instead offering verbal abuse as customer service. OSB with Mazz onboard are trying to make it work. I'll get flack for supporting Wai Man and Maggie I know but I like them, I want to see them get out of this and I of course want my figures at the great prices they offer.

I wish others would get behind them and support them instead of tearing them down.

Sad days.
Can i just say that i WAS NOT making comparisons with OSB and Motherbasement , and i thought i had made that quite clear in my post that i was not pointing the oily fionger of blame in their direction as to go out an excuse themm of fraudm etc. I was stating the fact that the Mothersbasement fiasco is still clear in the minds of collectors within the community , so that when you go onto facebook and see post by people with (in some cases well over £1,000) on preorder and that requests to contact them go unanswered (and yes i'm well aware there is alot of emails to get through) comaprisons to a point can and will be made, regarding not answering emails etc,and that where the comparison ends. also their customer service does need looking into, and yes its alright for us backseat drivers saying that how they could improve things etc , but one of they customer services skills is acknowledging your customers and acknowledging that there is a problem , time and time again the demogrpahic of opinion is that OSB could communicate better with their customers, but sadly nothing seems to improve in that respect ,but instead they whittle down to just one person instead of getting more than one which is clearly whats need and it does not take an expert to see that . What is being said is that people should get behind them , but if people email them and still dont get answers then after a while that support is going to dwindle rapidly and quickly. this is constructive criticism, and yes it is sad when a company that is indpendant from some of the big guys like forbidden planet, has bad publicity, but the solututions to the problem are quite simple.
1) More staff
2) post on twitter and facebook and instagram an update im sure customers of osb in this technological age has at least one of these, and they could post an update as quickly as they post notice about preorders
3) communication, communication, Communication , for as they used to say on thjose British telecom adverts of days gone by "its good to talk"
, time and time again the demogrpahic of opinion is that OSB could communicate better with their customers,

More likely a vocal minority of customers, as it seems to be the same few over and over again.

but sadly nothing seems to improve in that respect ,but instead they whittle down to just one person instead of getting more than one which is clearly whats need and it does not take an expert to see that . What is being said is that people should get behind them , but if people email them and still dont get answers then after a while that support is going to dwindle rapidly and quickly. this is constructive criticism, and yes it is sad when a company that is indpendant from some of the big guys like forbidden planet, has bad publicity, but the solututions to the problem are quite simple.
1) More staff

How do you expect this to be paid for?

2) post on twitter and facebook and instagram an update im sure customers of osb in this technological age has at least one of these, and they could post an update as quickly as they post notice about preorders
Pointless unless they actually have something to report, otherwise they are just opening themselves up to more negativity and criticism which they will then have to spend time deleting, I thought you wanted them answering emails?!

3) communication, communication, Communication , for as they used to say on thjose British telecom adverts of days gone by "its good to talk"
See above.

There is only so many times they can public ally say they are waiting for stock. As a customer, I have however had a number of emailed updates song would guess it's likely these have been sent to all relevant customers.
I have well over 1k of orders with OSB.

It doesn't matter how much people ***** and moan in here, or what side if the fence you're on - the simple truth of the matter is many of us have paid OSB for products. For whatever reason - and I'm sure they're genuine - they have not provided those products (yet).

So, everyone has two choices:

1. Keep asking for a refund until you get it. (People have been getting refunds, so there's absolutely no way OSB are con-artists).
2. Shut up the hell up and wait.

Could OSB go bankrupt after this debacle? Sure. Should they go bankrupt? Absolutely not.

However, none of it excuses their diabolical customer service, despite what several people here have said. Especially the members banging on about libel, going to court etc - you guys really need to read up on laws. I think OSB have enough on their plate rather than starting libel and deformation cases, which would be thrown out. And before you argue - I know.

OSB could just send a blanket email to all customers –

“Dear xx,

We’re dropping all our valued customers a quick email to firstly apologies for the delays in preorders, but also to reassure you all that we are working extrememly hard go get things back on track. . .etc”

Not really that hard, is it?

I'm now unsubscribing from this thread and going leave you guys to it because life is too short.
I apologise, just as you are not pointing any fingers, I'm not pointing any at you. I think you have valid points but I was just using your post as a reason again to state that I see this as very different from the MB scenario. The FB issues are the ones which I have problems with. It is only a matter of time until they drag the business down imo. (To be honest, if I was Wai Man I'd have just closed the door a long while ago so it does show what kind of a guy he is and what kind of a business they are).

To repeat Vince, thie issues everybody has regarding communicative cannot be solved simply cannot be resolved by throwing more money at it (staff solutions). They have already involved Mazzik which is an additional expense and with the people requesting refunds (justified...I've said that from day one also) thus increasing expenditure and limiting the cash flow of the business will only see further problems for everybody.

Mazzik has in fairness tried to keep people updated via FB and twitter and man has he come in for some stick. Even last night he was getting flack for answering posts on fb but not via those awaiting emails...the poor guy was in bed on his iphone just trying to field some questions and yet grumpy collectors keep applying the pressure.

I know people have money tied up in stock with them. I understand their frustrations. Like Vince, I've always said that those unhappy should seek refunds or other methods of claiming back their money rather than start slinging allegations around in a charged atmosphere like FB. This not only goes for OSB but all UK sellers. Once they've had the pound of flesh from Maggie and WM who is next?

If things carry on like this we'll end up with FP solely issuing Hot Toys in the UK and we'll all lose out.