Super Freak
Both have great arguments.
as much as I hate to say it , it has to be geigers alien.
With stans aliens alien coming an extremely close second.
So number one for me...
I thought the Aliens Queen would win this hands down.
I am glad you did not include jurassic park Alien Queen from AVP
I thought the Aliens Queen would win this hands down.
Queen +1
Me too; however, I would have voted for the jurassic park Alien Queen from AVP!
P.S. I agree with CelticP 100%
Really? I thought they were pretty generic...I mean, it worked, but theres nothing that special about them....
Giger's original. With Alien 3 close second. Aliens was essentially the same as the first, but with no domes, so to me, they are just cousins of the first really. Still cool though.
And I like Grid also. He was a really villainous one, and you don't see that much personality in most of these.
Giger's original. With Alien 3 close second. Aliens was essentially the same as the first, but with no domes, so to me, they are just cousins of the first really. Still cool though.
And I like Grid also. He was a really villainous one, and you don't see that much personality in most of these.