I honestly don't see much to be negative about. I may comment about something once and leave it at that, but I don't feel the need to punctuate threads with hundreds of versions of the same posts about what I perceive is wrong with something. That kind of negativity only generates friction and unnecessary angst on a forum - it creates a caustic environment that prevents others from posting because they don't want to deal with the constant negativity generated by a small group feeding off of each other
You know what else generates friction and creates a caustic environment? Negativity towards posters who are just using this forum for what its for - talking about toys. Forget for a second that you don't agree with their criticisms of a figure - they're on topic. Attacking those posters for the views that they hold and their having expressed those views is not and if you ask me that is what creates tension.
I just feel that people who purport to be all about positivity around here contribute more to the 'negativity' than they realise. Obviously, given our history, yes I'm talking about you and Butters, but also a lot of the other 'anti-whining' brigade. The whiners are on-topic. The whiners about the whiners...are not. Theres negativity about toys but negativity towards people on the forum is just as bad if not worse because it verges on breaking forum rules.
All yours after I'm done. Wanna buy a cheap EB T-800 that looks like he's on hypnotics?![]()
Exactly. It'll all end in tears.
Last time I checked this forum was all about sharing genuine opinions. I've got some faint black staining on the rubber chest from the t-shirt, but do you see me flooding the EB T-800 thread about it? However, I don't have to look far into your posts to find you moaning on about one thing or another, though. You said that you work in a news agency; can't paint and can only do basic customizing, but you seem to strut around as though you're some sort of expert about all of Arnold sculpts, as though you know better than the professionals. But you still buy like 20 of the same figures, despite all the negatives you've been harping on with random precision. You think the NECA sculpts are better than the HT ones, that's fine, but I don't agree... But for some reason you seem to think that what you say has more weight than anyone else's, and you're the one that goes all weird when people don't agree. So who ho has the problem here? It's all 'I'm right and you're wrong' with you. It goes BOTH ways. Put us back on you ignore list for the tenth time and ____ off.
Yeah, whatever...First you incessantly moaned that there wasn't enough and now there is plenty (with much more to come) and you're still moaning and groaning. Don't take your frustrations out on us because you're broke and need to sell stuff... Not everyone is going to agree with you and you shouldn't get so bent out of shape when people don't see the world through your eyes. Hex made a joke to me about the sleepy looking EB T-800 eyes and you couldn't handle it and went right over the edge.
No, I have no issue with Hex's opinion of the EB-800.
That's why your moaning and accusations started.... and will continue about one thing or another. I'm nothing like you personality wise, from what little i know about you.![]()