When two worlds collide - Toy collection as an addiction

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Jul 25, 2008
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Germany (write solwly)
I am a very communicative guy and always enjoy to meet fellow collectors. So when I realized that I have bought some new figures from an ebay seller not far away from me, it was a no brainer to catch up the new stuff in person.

Personally I see my collecting hobby as exactly that: a hobby. Nothing more. Whenever I find the time to enjoy it, I do. When I am busy, I dont. Usually I am a busy guy with my studies + everyday job and of course the family, so time for my hobby is rare, but I am fine with that. Life has priority for me.

So when I met the seller in person at his home, it was totally different. He is in his mid 40s, divorced, 2 sons. When I arrived, at the appartment, the key was left outside to let me in myself. I entered the appartement (half being afraid, half being courious). First thing I heard was a screaming guy telling me to take my shoes off. The appartement was relativly clean, so I had no problem with it. The floor was quite small, yet big enough for 4-6 cabinets to hold different Mcfarlane stuff. When I entered the living room father and son were sitting in front of a PS4 playing some Call of Duty like game. It took about 45 minutes before any of the two guys was looking up at me. No conversation, no introduction, not even an easy "hello" for 45 minutes. I used the time to look around. The living room was full of cabinets too. One wall was full of DVD, PS games. The rest was full of action figures. After roughly an hour he wanted to present his collection to me. We went into another room that held another 20-30 cabinets. This guy was collecting everything. NECA! Resident Evil, Mcfarlane, He-Man, Hot Toys, Sideshow etc. The list goes on and on...

We started talking and I realized that he must have been a comic collector since he was a small child. His childhood appeared to be not the easiest. He told me about his divorce, his two sons and how tight money is. Also he told me that he is spending all his money for his collection. No saving, nothing. It looks really like this guy lost everything because of his addiction/collection but still cannot stop. He appears to being out of money despite a collection that would easily make 10k.

This was really the first time that I have seen a guy like this. As wonderful as this hobby is, I know it is very addicting - but until this weekend I had no idea how much.
You stood in a room with strangers for 45 minutes with not a single word spoken. Hmmm. Not sure who is strangest in that scenario.
Australian Aborigines do that. My mother was buying a painting off this bloke and took me along. We sat in his loungeroom watching him watch TV for half an hour before he got up and spoke with us without batting an eyelid.
45 minutes!? i would've made a sandwich. :lecture

Australian Aborigines do that. My mother was buying a painting off this bloke and took me along. We sat in his loungeroom watching him watch TV for half an hour before he got up and spoke with us without batting an eyelid.

aussie. aborigine. artist. painter.

you sure drugs or other mind altering substances were not involved?? lolz
You stood in a room with strangers for 45 minutes with not a single word spoken. Hmmm. Not sure who is strangest in that scenario.

:lol True!

To defend myself, I wanted to get my stuff. :lol


You didn't tell him about this place...did you?

Hell no! I even checked the community before opening this thread. :lecture :lol
Different strokes for different folks.if the guy chooses to spend all his cash on a collection cause that makes him happy the who is anybody to judge him?howmany people on here can't buy everytging they want cause they have a car paymeant?i personally have never owned q new car and will never own a brand new car.that doesn't mean I don't have a nice car,but I was told by my father my whole life that a new car is a waste of money.a used car will get you from point a to b just as fast.i will never understand why someone would want to pay 600 bucks every month for a car and insurance.but that's just my opinion,I don't care what someone does with there cash.the guy isn't doin nothing illegal,he was hanging out with his son,and that's not a good thing?maybe the guy found something that him and his kids both enjoy and wants to spend all his cash on that.is that a bad thing?well I've said my 2 cents,I'm headed to the pawn shop to sell my wedding ring cause I pod a new iron man figure and if I don't get it im gonna go through withdraw
Different strokes for different folks.if the guy chooses to spend all his cash on a collection cause that makes him happy the who is anybody to judge him?howmany people on here can't buy everytging they want cause they have a car paymeant?i personally have never owned q new car and will never own a brand new car.that doesn't mean I don't have a nice car,but I was told by my father my whole life that a new car is a waste of money.a used car will get you from point a to b just as fast.i will never understand why someone would want to pay 600 bucks every month for a car and insurance.but that's just my opinion,I don't care what someone does with there cash.the guy isn't doin nothing illegal,he was hanging out with his son,and that's not a good thing?maybe the guy found something that him and his kids both enjoy and wants to spend all his cash on that.is that a bad thing?well I've said my 2 cents,I'm headed to the pawn shop to sell my wedding ring cause I pod a new iron man figure and if I don't get it im gonna go through withdraw

The guy has two sons and he's not saving any money 'cause he spends it on trinkets. There's a real problem there.
I can pick just about any thread and find someone like him as far as spending all their money on collectibles.
Most definitely a cautionary tale, or a basis of a horror adaptation.

I guess sometimes we tend to forget it's just a hobby and like any hobby, it could consume you. I've seen people like this in real life, getting all to worked up over figures. My friend once screamed at his wife and daughter after he read a Facebook post that he missed a pre-order. I came to realize that you can get worked up over anything, but I'd rather it be over the right reasons.

If you're spending way more than you earn, then it's obvious you're not responsible enough with money and heaven forbid your children to grow up just like you, and playing videogames when there's a guest for an ungodly 45 minutes is just plain rude, you should have taken a hint at that very moment.

Enjoy the hobby and strive to be a better husband/father, and keep in mind how blessed you are that you can own all these cool stuff and nobody will call you a weirdo. Well, not on SSF at least. The real word is mean.. :monkey3
I think there's a fine line between collecting, and obsessive-compulsive hording. In a sense, figure collecting is supposed to be an expression of your pop-culture interests. No different than listening to music, watching movies, or reading books. But, it's a shame that so many people become consumed by it, to the extent that it costs them their marriage. He's definitely setting a bad example for those kids to follow in his footstep :lol.

Guys I grew up with in New York would have cleaned his house out in ten minutes let alone 45

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He couldn't even be bothered to oprn the door, he left a key for you to let yourself in. He's obsessed with more then just toys. But as far as calling him a weirdo, isn't that what others think when they see our collections. Who are we to judge?