Like all media, games sooner or later will be all digital and download. No hard copies on discs anymore.
The switch has already begun. 3D and motion control games will dominate next gen.
But, only having digital downloads sucks
Like all media, games sooner or later will be all digital and download. No hard copies on discs anymore.
The switch has already begun. 3D and motion control games will dominate next gen.
But, only having digital downloads sucks. I mean, what are we going to do with all of the old games that we don't want to play anymore? Are we even going to have the option of reselling them?
Then of course we have "3D" and all of these motnion sensor contraptions. I do play games, but if I want "3D' and the ability to move around, I go out and...oh I don't know....LIVE LIFE!
They're basically trying to take ownership and control of the game we buy out of our hands.