Darth Loki said:
Why exactly? Because YOU say so?
I don't think I'd care either way but your 'My way is the right way' attitude is getting really old.
First of all, chill the heck out. I am simply sharing MY OPINION... and I'm sorry that it's the only one I have.
Secondly, don't put any words in my mouth. Never have I said anything remotely like "My way is the right way". I have opinions and some of them I feel strongly about. No more, no less than that. Whether people agree, disagree or are bothered by that is really immaterial. Just please don't make assumptions that imply I'm trying to force others to feel the same way I do about something. That's absurd.
Now that's out of the way, the reason why I feel there should be a separate category for EU characters is two-fold:
1) Even though some of these characters are pretty popular the simple fact of the matter is that it's called "Expanded Universe" for a reason. While some are good (or arguably even better than the PT) these stories and characters are NOT officially part of Lucas' canon film universe. Thus, I feel they should always be disclaimed as "Expanded Universe". Most other SW licensees do this, including Hasbro who almost never does anything right.
2) The fact that this poll exists is another reason: many of the EU characters simply do not fit into these neat categories that SSC has created for the 1/6 SW line of movie-based characters. Ilum Padme should not be part of the "Heroes of The Rebellion" line. The Rebellion was years from even existing when she wore that in the CW. That makes no sense. And Ventress was never officially a Sith, much less a Lord of the Sith, yet she'll be in the "Lords of the Sith" line? SSC can make it easier on themselves and everyone else by simply creating a new line category called "The Expanded Universe". What's wrong with that?
Again, sorry if you don't like my opinions here. But I'll live, and so will you.