How do you know there is going to be no Mythos for 2014?? Did you hear that from Sideshow?
I'm wondering if the RMQ line that's coming out will be this years "Mythos" line since at this point we don't know what scale it will be released in.
Hoping there is a Mythos this year, I'd love a Palpatine/Sidious.
Myc got some answers from SSC and it doesn't look like we'll see many PF's and no Mythos for 2014. Apparently 2015 will be a big year, I guess we'll find out as time goes.
2015 is good for me I've no cash, I've hopefully got Boba on the way and I've got them all then. I really hope they do a Grievous and I can't wait to see what the others are, I think these will be the only things I can fit in my display in the future.
I don't mind a little wait but by the time we get another one in had it will be 2+ years.. way to kill a successful line Sideshow.