My goal is to get a team of Avengers that I think look the best, doesn't matter what movie they are from. With the exception of Cap (3 Cap figs) and Iron Man (3 IM figs.) I only want one version. I have armored arms Thor from TDW, Civil War Hawkeye, IM MK 7, IM MK 43, Ant Man and Civil War Cap, Avengers Cap and AoU Cap.
I would like to finish out my Avengers team with a Vision but I love the Civil War Falcon and Bucky so I will probably get those as well. After that I only need a Spider-Man and then I'm done with my Hot Toys super hero collection.
If I have an Avengers team (or any team), the consistency of having it all be from the same film appeals to me and I have that in AoU. I'm also in a quandary with Falcon. I only want one representation of him and I think his CW look is his best look thus far, but I already know I'm not going to get the entire CW line and selling off my TWS Falcon means my TWS line will be compromised by not having the entire line anymore and I also love the way TWS Falcon looks with GA Cap and TWS. I also don't think there's really a market for him at the moment.
I could be wrong but I think CW Falcon looks pretty much the same as he does at the end of AOU (and Ant-Man), so I think he would fit nicely with the AOU group. I think it especially works if you have New Avengers Scarlet Witch from AOU, representing those members of the team at the end. My point is Falcon's look in CW works with how he looks in AOU too.
You're right, it would. I've thought it would be cool to make a "New Avengers" team by having NA SW, Vision, Falcon and WM. I don't think I've seen anyone post a picture yet of that team assembled.
I'll have the "New Avengers" team once CW Falcon ships, though I am thinking of selling my WM Mk2 if my waitlist on the WM Mk3 converts. But either way, I think an AOU display with both the old and "new" team together, or near one another, would be great as they all are in the same movie.
Which WM MkII and how much?I'll have the "New Avengers" team once CW Falcon ships, though I am thinking of selling my WM Mk2 if my waitlist on the WM Mk3 converts. But either way, I think an AOU display with both the old and "new" team together, or near one another, would be great as they all are in the same movie.