Bronn all the way! Best character by a mile!!
Agreed on the 1/4 statue idea. Sideshow getting the license and doing a GoT premium format line would be a dream come true. Or even Prime 1. We need more GoT high-end collectibles.Only one I'd be interested in is the Night King.
A 1/4 statue would be epic.
I hope we get a new GoT figure announcement soon!
It's been awhile. I don't know why they haven't announced the next one yet...
Maybe there isn't a next one???
I'm beginning to wonder the same. I'm worried about the sales for Danerys. Perhaps Threezero said,"she's a heavy hitter, if SHE doesn't get the numbers up at the height of this show's popularity, nothing will".....and they didn't. Hope that's not what happened. I remember how mad I was that Funko didn't keep making GOT legacy. I'd hate for this to share the same kind of fate. Obviously, just due to cost and size, they probably won't even go THAT deep but I still hope we get at least 3 or 4 more characters before it's done.
I haven't heard how many they sold of her.
I'm hoping for a Night King but I would love a Jorah or Cersei before all is said and done.
None, I just can't seem to get into this show, I can't make it through season 1. I usually like this sort of stuff but jeez I keep following asleep in the first episode... does it get better, what am I missing here