I think the IM is very iconic, but I personally like the Iron Spiderman better It just brings in much more symbolism with the Iron Man helmet and Captain shield. Plus it's just a much more detail oriented piece and tickles my fancy more I don't know about you, but I like my fancy tickled
i'm really surprised how close the vote is on this one, though i voted for IS, i thought that IM would take it in a land slide.
all i know is that if i had to cancel everyone of my PO's except one this year, and was completely broke and had to sell my blood and sperm to keep one, it's most definately going to be IS for me.
yes even any of the lsb's that i have on order would get the cut before IS
just something about this one with the other character tie ins, and the overall sculpt and paint, just screams must have to me.
I have both on pre-order, and if I HAD to keep one, it would be Iron Spidey. The sculpt/paint of both Spidey and the base is top notch. Iron Man looks great but has a common, somewhat boring, pose.
I had this same discussion/topic about a month ago...Most people voted for Iron Spidey...So Im sticking to my guns as well and Im voting for Iron Spidey as well...