Super Freak
I've passed on a bunch, lemme see if I can remember off the top of my head...
-Leia Boussh
-Jabba w Throne, Bubocular, Salacious Crumb... too rich for my blood and no room.
-Bib Fortuna
-Ilum Padme
-Endor Troopers
-Imperial Officer
-Yavin Luke- My Jedi Luke was sufficient until Bespin came out, and that head sculpt and outfit are terrible. Not hating on the SS outfit, just the costume in general.
-ANH Leia- I'll eventually get her...
-Leia Boussh
-Jabba w Throne, Bubocular, Salacious Crumb... too rich for my blood and no room.
-Bib Fortuna
-Ilum Padme
-Endor Troopers
-Imperial Officer
-Yavin Luke- My Jedi Luke was sufficient until Bespin came out, and that head sculpt and outfit are terrible. Not hating on the SS outfit, just the costume in general.
-ANH Leia- I'll eventually get her...