Super Freak
Wow, that's great! I wonder if this is rubber or if it's something new. I don't know, this could be a type of body and material we haven't seen yet (wishful thinking running at 95% capacity).
Don't count on it, that's just concept art. the original jake sully was sculpted as one piece, and joints were added later. most toy makers do that this way these days. picture of the jake prototype, BEFORE joints were added.

edit: Then again, looking closer at that picture, it might have joints already
The best solution IMHO would be an articulated skeleton with separate articulated musculature (to flex with the motion of the joints) with a silicone skin over the top. In theory the uncanny valley thing could be cured by casting the skin with the joints in bent position, eliminating the sag when the joints bend and stretching when the joints are straight. Lots of R&D I know, but with a figure as big as Hulk I could see it working.
Wishful thinking I know, but I can dream...
there is a body out there that's 1/6th like that. it costs 600$ I believe.
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