I'm sure both of the men executed care about who wins this debate between work13 and pixletwin.![]()

I'm sure both of the men executed care about who wins this debate between work13 and pixletwin.![]()
Your telling me, the guy injecting the prisoner with whatever chemical, does so out of revenge or with a sense of retaliation?
so how do you guys feel about abortions and the growing number of teenage christian democrats that are having them?
lol serious? getting an abortion has nothing to do with someone's political leanings. it has to do with situation and circumstances.
it is like someone saying that republicans are whores because bristol palin had a baby out of wedlock.
lol serious? getting an abortion has nothing to do with someone's political leanings. it has to do with situation and circumstances.
i was just trying to shoehorn as many hot button topics as i could into 1 question
The burden of sentencing isn't on the christian, it's on the law. The christian would forgive, but that doesn't mean they would fight to save the murderer's life. They would fight to save the soul of the murderer before they are put to death. It's the only thing they would have a calling to do in the situation.
Yet most of these texas yahoo law makers and governors are die hard Christians. Why do you assume I'm talking about the victims families?
Hmmmm? I'm just find odd that these die hard christian Texans love putting people to death. Just doesn't seem very christian to me
what is funny is that people think capital punishment is wrong and troy davis was not a killer of a white cop. if the proof was there he would never of been killed.. and there so opposed to using the death penalty..
but my point is if your against the death penalty and protesting for a cop killer to be spared then those same people should be out stopping the execution of a scum bag white supremacist..but they weren't so it's huge joke...
I say anyone who kills in 1st or 2nd degree should be given the death penalty. It's time people have to think to themselves before thye kill someone. If a guy is planning to kill someone (1st degree) or spur the moment anger (2nd degree) they should have to say to themselves "if l do this and get caught and found guilty l will be killed also, so by killing this guy l could be committing suicide". I'm sure many people will then think twice about killing someone and hold themselves back. In the end murders may decrease with such a regualr harsh penalty.
but my point is if your against the death penalty and protesting for a cop killer to be spared then those same people should be out stopping the execution of a scum bag white supremacist..but they weren't so it's huge joke...
So you're saying people who commit crimes of passion should be executed for not thinking rationally?![]()
Exactly, no peice of ass is worth killing someone over. If they do that just shows how crazy they are.
Hmmmm? I'm just find odd that these die hard christian Texans love putting people to death. Just doesn't seem very christian to me
Umm ok. Not sure you latched on to the point of my question.![]()
Isn't a crime of passion when someon kills for a relationship or something like that. Like If a guy is in love with a woman and kills because of that for what ever reason, isn't that called "a crime of passion".